What's up strength training/ 1100 IEP raffle

Day 1,501, 08:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lexone
In case you did not know this is one of the best investments you can make

The climbing center cost 1 land and 100 IEP to build. It does require a free land spot. So you need 1100 IEP. The training cost is 0.19 gold. Meaning you pay 0.19 gold a day to get 2.5 str. Now that isn't a lot, but it adds up. Compared to the other training buildings this is the most you can get out of your money.
100 days of training😒tr
Climbing center:+250
Shooting range:+500
Special forces center:+1000

100 days of training:Costs
Climbing center:19 Gold
Shooting range:149 Gold
Special forces center:179 Gold

Str:Gold Ratio
Climbing Center:13.16 str : 1 Gold
Shooting range:3.56 str : 1 Gold
Special forces center:5.59 str : 1 Gold

As you can see the climbing center is by far the best deal.
On average if you work and train everyday for 100 days you should get 30 gold from medals. Use 19 of that gold to gain 250 str.
If everybody does this will make not only you, but Ireland Stronger

How to get Climbing center
Buy a land spot. Click build. Go to training centers. Click climbing center.
Hope you learned something.

Leave your vote number in the comments to win 1100 IEP to pay for the climbing center.