What's Left of the Flag

Day 2,298, 17:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by CuChullian

Brothers and Sisters,
May our days be erased from history and go unnoticed by our peers, ancestors, and our future. The days of today are ones where the poor and the young are shackled with the work of the powerful, the rich, and the criminal. We are a country plagued with crooks and bastards, whom have forgotten the faces of their fathers. WE are a country brought low by infighting, civil war, the influence of foreign bandits and idiots alike. These are our mistakes, yes and here is naught we can do now about any of it.
But for the LOVE of God, mother mary and joseph! Looking past the fact that we have allowed to become a cog in the croatian war machine, and the fact we allow criminals to bypass trial. Time does not right past wrongs, no matter how long. It is hard to follow who said what and whom is taking what side. What i do know, is that wrong is wrong. I hope that i do not pay taxes and hope to benefit this country to line the pockets of those wishing to steal from my people. Elect criminals by another name and hand them the keys to the country. Bicker and plague one another with trolling, orc-dom(?), and closed minds. We do nothing for Ireland, nothing for ourselves.
Not a thing, besides say what we hope to do for Ireland. The thing i have loved of this country is that we wear our heart on our sleeves and stick the hard fought determination that we put into everything we do. I am losing faith in my country and my fellow man. As a young upstart and as many of you would argue a useless citizen whom can barely carry a sword let alone our banner.
I ignore RtK and his babble about Seanan, i believe her to be a wonderful commander, and respectable in almost 😉 everyway. I hate him but RtK has points and some are valid while some are his usual bullshit. I even want to look past all these accusations and past wrongs.
I want us to either actually pursue progress followed by action and concrete discipline, or FUCKING forget about it. We have made mistakes, but take this lead-ridden congress and government and use it for the people who elect it (ignoring the fact we are getting taken over by foreigners). Great a new alliance, whatever now lets do something with it. I want Ireland back, i do not know if i can take the heartbreak that this country brings me. This roller coaster of destruction and the attempts at rebuilding. I personally cannot do much, but you people of power and those of you very vocal. You are the face of Ireland! Seanan, Plainview, Sweet, Bhane, Coleman even fucking RtK (which i say begrudgingly.) I can not pretend to name you all but we see your names everyday as posts, orders, articles, and your very own actions. This is not a article of damnation but of respect to all of you. There is only one flaw with our people.
You all need to push out these foreign powers and band together. Look at yourselves, you're awesome! You people could lead us! Irish leading the Irish back to our glory. It has to be us, regardless of our beliefs. Put Ireland first, we do the best we can. We may fail but we will rebound and learn from our mistakes so we can build a Irish Ireland. Please Ireland, bring ireland back. For all of us.
Signed and sealed with blood,
Cu Chullian.