Wellness – New Regime

Day 511, 09:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

That’s right - the British Gifting Hub is back in business.

As you may or may not know, the hospital rules have recently changed. From now on, you only gain back the wellness you lost through fighting; this means that we can no longer just gift people up to 40 wellness so that they can gain wellness by fighting once and then healing. This means that the gifting hub’s role has changed - there are now new criteria you will need to meet before being gifted.

So who will we be offering gifting to?
Anyone who:
Is an eUK citizen
Is between levels 3 and 12
Has between 40 and 80 wellness
Has not been gifted before through the scheme before
is working in a Q1 company

Where can I apply for this gifting?
This is where you apply - just send us a message and we'll review your case and gift appropriately.

How do I keep my wellness up?

There are 3 main ways to increase your wellness.

These are:

1) Food
Food is vital to a citizen’s wellbeing. Food is the cheapest product in the new world. In the UK it only costs a measly 0.30 GBP. For your citizen to survive you must buy food every day, if you don’t your citizen will lose 4 wellness. The higher Quality (Q) food you buy the more wellness you gain. Typically, you should be aiming to buy Q2 food, which hovers around 1GBP per piece - this will allow you to both Work (in a Q1 company) and Train every day without losing wellness. To work out you wellness gain, use the wellness calculator here: CCCP Wellness Calculator (there are several versions of this, but by searching for it in google, you should be able to find whatever one you prefer easily).

2) Houses
Houses are another way to maintain and increase your wellness. Houses are similar to food, in that you gain wellness everyday from them. However you only need to buy one house. This means once you’ve bought a house it will last forever. This obviously means houses are more expensive, but provide a long term wellness bonus. You should be aware, however, that as of V2, which will come out at some point within the next few months, houses will no longer be permanent. It is currently unknown as to how houses will work, so you need to consider this before you invest in one.

3) Gifts
Gifts are a temporary way of increasing your wellness. They can only be sent by another citizen or an organization. These increase your wellness by whatever the quality is, so for example receiving a Q1 gift would increase your wellness by 1, a Q2 gift would increase your wellness by 2 and so on. You can only receive a maximum of 10 wellness per day. Gifts are only a temporary increase to your wellness, but can work out cheaper in the long run. It should be noted that gifts are only availible at Q1. If you want somebody to gift you some wellness, the best thing to do is to go onto the IRC or the forums and ask somebody there - you donate them the gifts, and they'll use them on you.

Remember - if you need any advice on gifting, or on any other issues, you can sign up to our Mentoring Scheme in-forums.
Thanks for reading,
Director of Gifting