Wellness and War 101 - What, why, where, how?

Day 751, 08:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Welcome to the first in a series of guides on wellness this month.


Wellness is your health. It is a vital part of the game. Wellness determines how much you produce when you work, how much damage you do in a fight, and how often you can fight (if at all).
Obviously, since it plays such a pivotal role, it is vital you keep your wellness as high as possible.

This guy is pretty healthy.

Why then, should you keep yourself healthy? Workers with low wellness are often fired because they cannot produce enough to pay for their wages, or business owners want more profits. High wellness also ensures you do the maximum amount of damage per fight, and can fight more times to protect our country for those pig disgusting swedes, and barmy yanks!.

He won't call you the next day.

So how is your wellness? If it is between 90 and 100, you should consider yourself healthy. Between 40 and 89 wellness, you should consider yourself unhealthy. If you are below 40 wellness, you are dying. If you are unhealthy, or dying, there are simple ways you can improve your wellness for free.

Who said free health care was expensive?!

If you have unhealthy status (between 40 and 89 wellness) then the hospital is your first point of call. Remember though, a hospital will only heal you once a day, after you have fought at least one time. Firstly, you need to find yourself an open war. If your unsure how to do this, simply click here. Next, look for this part of the page:


Click on the globe, and scroll down to find the United Kingdom. It should look like this:


This will now show all wars in which the UK has involvement. This can be direct wars, or wars involving our allies. We are looking for an active war, of which there are two types: normal, and resistance.


When only one country is involved in a war, that is a resistance war. Only active resistance wars that you can fight in are ever shown. So should you see "placename" versus United Kingdom, you know that you can fight there!


As you can see, the war between the UK and the USA clearly shows one active battle. This means, there is a war going on at this moment, which we can fight in. Clicking on the details button will bring us to the battle overview page, where we can choose where to fight (sometimes there is more than 1 battle going on at the same time, as there is only 1, we will only have 1 option).


Here, we can see how much time is left, where the battle is, and the battlefield button. Click the battlefield button.


This page is the war field. The details don't matter right now; all we want to do is fight. Click the fight button once, and you will be taken to a summary of how much damage you did. Now that you have fought, you can now use the hospital to heal yourself. To do this, first go to the drop down menu, "my places", then go to Profile.


This is my profile, underneath my wonderful picture it shows my location with a hyperlink. Click here, and this will take you to your region; and your hospital.


There is a heal button present; this only occurs after you have fought that day. Click the heal button, and your hospital will give you 10 wellness for every green star next to it. Should your hospital not have 5 stars, it is wise for you to move to a 5 star region, I recommend London. Should you require help moving, please PM me and I will sort it out for you.

There we have it, that is how you fight for wellness!

Should you have less than 40 wellness,

PM this account, and our talented team of gifting pixies will be more than happy to help you. Once you are at 40 wellness, you can follow the guide above to get more and more wellness.