Weekend Edition 1

Day 2,510, 08:09 Published in Canada Canada by KaponeDude
We've reached LETO and Asteria.

New Format for the National Canadian

We will, starting Monday, adopt a format for the newspaper to ensure the best possible articles, interviews and analysis.The schedule will be as followe😛
Monday - Weekend Recap
Tuesday - Politic Analysis
Wednesday - Economic Analysis
Thursday - Trends
Friday - International News
Saturday - Weekend Edition

Closeup - DOZZER: Alliances to end...?
Last week week, following a statement from Dozzer referring to a near future of some Alliances collapsing , I have try to gather more information on the subject and study the case to see what are the possible reasons and what is going to be happening next if in fact the dissolve.

LETO is alliance that was formed in February 2nd of 2014 and has 12 members; Canada, Republic of Moldova, Israel, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Portugal, Peru, Taiwan, Australia, Iran, Colombia and Belarus. In date of the 2,509th day, LETO’s HQ as ten positions fulfilled, where we can find two eCanadian as Supreme Commander and Secretary of Foreign Affairs, respectively Klop123 and Dozzer_x . LETO is an organization which is subsidiary of the ASTERIA. We have contacted LETO assistant Secretary General, but no information was given due to a missed meeting, but we were able to reach Thydan, Secretary General, and we asked him two questions:

Could you provide us with any information on the alliances dissolving?

‘’That news come from the fact that Serbia and Hungary are getting closer to Poland. And if that causes the fall of Asteria, Leto would fall too.’’

How beneficial, really was the alliance?

‘’The alliance united (or tried to) some countries that hadn't any relationship before. We were able to be organized and achive some major victories. I can highlight the Canadian victory vs Chile and Fyrom ’’

Sirius is an alliance that was formed on the 14th of February 2014 and has six members; Spain, UK, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey and Croatia. We were able to get a hold of the dSG, Urban Cohort:

‘’eWorld is changing and not only Sirius but also other alliances will encounter some changes. It wouldn't be appropriate to say Sirius is dissolving before it is officially announced.
I just can say that lots of worldwide changes await us in near future.
The point is not to speculate here, but it seems very clear that alliances will shift. How will it affect us? Where is the next war?
Only time will tell.

Chile President is very careful

When 21 days ago, Canada declared Chile has a natural enemy, Canada made a clear statement that nobody would walk in our flowers and push us around. Chile took the defeat hardly and is right now in 4th place in terms of Country Power. We contacted Chile President and here was is answer:

''te respondere tal como he respodido a todos los que me preguntan algo. despues del 6 pregunten todo lo que quieran, mienstras sea CP cualquier comentario que haga, puede ser mal interpretado.''

Translated Version: I will answer as I have answered to all that ask me something. After the 6, ask all you want. CP is showing that any comments you make can be misunderstood.

Seems like the Chile President does not agree with our leader, but in my opinion this is not an an answer from somebody who tried to attacked us or been a threat. To me it sounds like he has been betrayed and if it the case we will need to know why. Pressure from other country? Pressure from alliance? I don't know, but we will look more deeply in the subject and come back next Edition with more informations.
