Weapon Prices - Actions Needed!!!!!

Day 1,573, 00:19 Published in Philippines Bulgaria by J Grey

Hi All!
I will draw your attention to a problem.
I am always trying to help in our military campaigns. I am fighting as per everyday unit orders and if there is a battle in which ePhilippines are involved I am always there.
But usually it is good when you fight to have an adequate weapon! Unfortunately what happens recently is like this:

And why is it so? Because the weapons in ePhilippines are one of the most expensive in the e-world! Come on guys – what are these insane prices??

We have some stingy producers that want to make money on the behalf of the few still devoted citizens of the country. That is really a shame!!!

What is the solution?
Immediately change the import tax of weapon to 0%. So we will have competition and the prices will go back to normal levels.
If there is any honest Congress member there – please propose that law!

It is very strange that there is a party in ePhlippines that calls itself far left and they are speaking about revolution, but you can see that mostly their members own the weapons factories and keep these insane prices!

So for the next elections – be very careful whom you vote for! Because if things go on like this revolution will really come…
We are small e-nation and it is really stupid not to be united and to cheat your fellow country men!

You’ve been warned!

J Grey