Waar in de wereld is Kaczyk? / Where in the world is Kaczyk?

Day 2,155, 04:36 Published in Netherlands Poland by GEN. DE LA REY

Last months proposed treaty with the Polish dominated the Dutch political debates for some time and has left some un-answered questions in the long run. We at the Volks Blad decided to try to find Kaczyk (the ex-Polish president) and see how he is doing after the impeachment.

Finally after weeks of searching our Mediterranean area reporter Susan van Den Heever was able to track him down in Spain and was able to conduct a brief interview.

Susan: Were you impeached as a direct result of concluding the Dutch treaty, or were there other factors?
Kaczyk: Well the Dutch treaty was one of main things for the impeachment, but it wasn’t directly as a result of the treaty.
Susan: In your opinion, is there a strong force within Poland that does not want the Netherlands to have any land?
Kaczyk: Some guys in ePL politics that don’t want to speak with eNL, and think you should not have any land.
Susan: Where do you think this resentment of the Netherlands come from?
Kaczyk: I don’t know why they are so negative to you.
Susan: The people of the Netherlands generally feel that you are a friend of the Netherlands. Is this true, and are there other like minded people within Poland?
Kaczyk: I always treat eNL like good people, and you should have a treatment with ePL like eGermany. But some people are against it. When PierreDzoncy was ePL CP, I was in his gov as vMoFA especially for eNL treatment.

Susan: We see that you have recently immigrated to Spain. Is this for diplomatic reasons, or are you taking a long deserved holiday?
Kaczyk: I migrated to eSP because I hate Polish politics
Susan: Will you be returning to politics in Poland in the near future?

Kaczyk: I don’t want to go back. I got nice friends outside ePL. Well if you could give me eNL CS I could even go to eNetherlands and fight for you.
Susan: Thank you for your time and we wish you well with your future endeavors.