Voters Club! Try it !

Day 1,921, 15:03 Published in Czech Republic Serbia by Saint from Macedonia

Hello New Citizens of eRepublik
The time has come to be introduced to Voters Club .

Voters Club is a great place for members to earn currency to help them progress though the game. If you are a very active voter its possible to earn upto 3000 - 5000cc in 1 week, while some will earn upto 1,000cc
Here are some of our members with highest earnings

If you have doubts you can ask them yourself whether Voters Club is a scam, whether we pay regularly and how it works and you can also address them for help and ask them to reveal their secrets for their high earnings.
We have also started recently a small contest for members , and the one that has biggest amount of votes given in that week will receive 10g (in cc) as a reward for his hard work.

We vote/sub articles each day of upto 40+ orders giving you an opportunity to earn upto 200 - 280 + a day this excludes the earning from Facebook orders
On average Voters Club gets around 20 FB orders a week and for each vote you receive 50cc

You can also earn with referrers orders . For each customer that order from your link you get provision of 10% which you receive together with payment for votes.

Registration page (copy and paste or click here )

--- How to Register ---

--- How to Vote/sub ----

Voters Club has a strict policy when voting in facebook orders, due to the earnings and possible fake profiles on facebook

- Facebook orders -

All customers are requested to provide a guide in google documuent and available to guests to view .
The voters will follow instructions as written and must provide a screen shot of their vote if requested by a moderator to prove their votes,if not their vote will be deleted. The ones that will write fake votes on the order will have their voted deleted and will risk getting ban on Voters Club

Click HERE to make an order

1. we accept sub orders up to 2000 subs at once
2. vote orders up to 1200
3. fb orders up to 1000 votes/likes ( 65 cc per vote )

--- The Rules ----

a🙂 1 vote / sub per erep order
b🙂 a maximum of 5 votes/likes for fb orders
c🙂 1 Voters Club Account only

--- extra information ---

If you are interested on joining Voters Club you can find everything that may concern you on our blog
or you can read some of our previous articles

If you need help you can find us on IRC Channel : #voters

Best regards,

and The voters club team
Naluteniot (owner) , Snowderblazer (moderator) and (moderator)