Vote for Ian

Day 2,542, 17:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Anthony Colby

All I can say is wow.

I feel humbled that at publishing time 31 people have voted for me even though I have not been active for around 20 days. Thank you all. But I must say under these circumstances anyone who has not voted should vote for Ian.

I have some explaining to do.

At the end of September, beginning of October I floated the idea of running for CP in November. I planned on getting a team together and giving myself a month to get everything in place for a successful run.

Well the best laid plans and all....

A series of events and just plain life got in the way and kept me busy. It came on all of a sudden.

Nothing bad happened. My family is fine. No one died.

Just a tsunami of stuff that included having to re roof my house, my wife changing jobs which meant an entirely new schedule and new duties to perform at work which meant I took on more child duties, my kids performing in dance recitals and competitions, soccer (sorry football) season and playoffs ( my daughters team won the championship), car repairs, extra work due to unseasonable weather and other commitments kept me on my feet and wore me out. One day I didn't leave bed due to how wiped out I was.

I kept remembering to try to log on and let people know what was happening but every time I tried someone else was doing work or homework on the computer. At some point I figured people would see I was not around for a bit.

I did not figure I would be nominated to run for CP. lol

Imagine my shock when I logged on to vote for CP figuring that was the least I could do for Ireland and I saw I could vote for myself and I was in (at that time) a close second.

Like I said I appreciate the confidence shown in me. I really do. But with me being gone for that period of time it is not fair to the other candidates and the rest of Ireland for anyone else to vote for me this month. I would not be prepared to get things running quickly enough and Ireland would be the worse for that. So please don't vote for me today if you have not already voted.

I suggest voting for Ian Arbuckle.

If I get my act together this month who knows what next month will bring.

I do hope to return the confidence shown to me by the 30 people who voted me by running a real campaign and doing my best to help guide Ireland as CP. Just not this month.

Thank you.

Anthony Colby