Vote A Vegan for Congress!

Day 1,464, 06:16 Published in Belgium Egypt by A Vegan

As the admin at the national forum has again showed how bias they are. And how much they like to abuse the power they got from our citizens I have to change my campaign a bit.

My goal during this legislation is to give power back to the people!

Our forum admin is acting in a shameless way and this has to stop. They want to gag me the day before the elections and by this keep eBe under their power.

Things I would like to change if I get electe😛
* Remove the absolute power the admin currently has.
* Remove absolute power and power abuse in any other way.
* Try to make eBe more democratic.
* Give more changes to young eBe citizens.
* Bringing more fun in eBe by games and other entertainment.
* Make sure that our citizens taxmoney is used for all citizens and does not end in the pockets of a few mighty and already rich members.

Vote for democracy! Vote for A Vegan!
Vote for the BCP and help us restore eBelgium to its former glory!