Vice Presidential Talk-back #3

Day 1,286, 08:27 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Oboacer

Hello fellow Kiwis,
It has been a busy time for eNZ, as our nation has witnessed the return of peace, overseen a Congressional election and begun the rebuilding process. During these times I have found more reasons to be proud of our little nation and I think all Kiwis should take pride in what we have accomplished.

It will be nice to return to a "peace-time" mentality but our nation must always be resolute and ready for the future. I'm pleased to say that our government is working towards aiding our nation during this recovery and will focus on ensuring that this lasting peace remains in our south pacific lands.

The recent parliamentary elections have come and past. I'm extremely pleased how these elections past off and want to congratulate all those candidates who were elected. The results left the eNZ Congress without a single-party majority and left many of the parties close in seats.

Red Label Party- 14 seats
Ujedinjenje ili smrt- 9 seats
Ranginui- 9 seats
Peace 'n' Prosperity Party- 8 seats

These parties worked tirelessly together during the recent war and have all committed to ensuring that eNZ has a prosperous and strong future. I wish all of their elected members the very best during their current term.

As many citizens have likely found, since the end of the war, food prices in our nation have risen at an alarming pace. Now, this was likely the result of "demand", as the war forced countless more citizens to spend money on food as they fought.

This is why the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party (PnPP) ran on a campaign pledge to help reduce these prices. And it is why in the coming days our parliamentary team will be proposing a VAT reduction of 1% on food. This will only be for a short time, till the market finally catches up.

This topic has been raised from time to time in the past but with the recent fighting, it has gained even greater traction. I can say that it has been mentioned in talks within the eNZ government but not on a serious level.

That is why I wanted to begin the debate here, so that the citizens of eNZ can think about this and then make a proper judgement call. It is clear from the recent wars that ONE was our biggest ally and fought to ensure our freedom. I think the time has come to at least debate the merits of joining them.

Personally, I have long been an advocate of "neutrality" and the officially PnPP policy is to support neutrality. I believe we have benefited from it but as the war showed, it was only because of the strong ties our political leaders have, that ONE even aided us. As a neutral nation, it could be tougher in the future. I hope this will spark a debate and our government will follow it closely.

As many of you may know, our nation recently survived a very trying and very destructive war. It stretched our military forces to the brink and left them nearly exhausted.

This is why over the coming days the NZDF will begin a complete reorganization of its structures, companies and personal. It will look to bring in new players, rebuilding our food and weapons stocks and begin to plan out a better leadership structure to aid us during future conflicts.

The government supports this restructure. The Ministry of Defense and the Security Council will take the lead on this. Expect our next President to also have a strong say in how this progresses. I will keep members abreast of this situation.

Our government continues to work towards building last international relations to ensure that our territory is protected and that our citizens have battles to fight.

That is why I'm proud to announce that our nation has agreed to re-sign a protection pact with Slovenia. This nation came to our aid during the war and therefore has been a true ally of eNZ. I'm pleased to say it is currently passing in Congress, 28 votes to 1.

Well that is all for this report. I hope that everyone is doing well and please know that your government is working hard to make sure that our nation recovers fully from the warfare.

To the new and returning Kiwis, I wanted to officially welcome you to our lands on behalf of the eNZ government. We know that you will be a key contributor to our little nation during your time here.

Till next time, work hard, fight hard and play hard!

Long live eNZ and "Remember Otago"

NZ Vice President,
Congressman for Canterbury
PnPP President,