Vacating of office

Day 753, 09:36 Published in Japan Japan by Koppanyi Ferenc

“We have been defaulters – due to cowardice (…) The nation feels, and we threw off its honor. We stood on the side of bastards (…) We will be grave-robbers! The most damnable nation. I did not hold you back. I'm guilty!”

These words were written by Pál Teleki, prime minister of Hungary, before he shot himself at 3rd April 1941. The reason was that he knew, a week later Hungary - as requested by the Germans - will attack Yugoslavia, with which country was signed an eternal friendship contract not long before. The prime minister knew also, what this attack means: Hungary will be a henchman of the III. Reich, and will lose the war.

These words came to mind after the congress supported the President's ultimatum, and the majority of the congresspersons want not an impeachment against Dokomo. I cant shoot myself in this game. The only think I can do, just vacating of my office as congressman and military commander.

Well, I put my swords to the feet of the Emperor, cut my hair and give myself to Buddha. I please minister KITA Ikki to change all the passwords of the military orgs, and forgive me. I cant take part in this treason, I cant look into the eyes of those 8000 soldiers who fought with us on the battlefield of Kyushu, I cant look into the eyes of the Japanese people.

Koppanyi Ferenc