Update from your Kiwi Neighbors

Day 2,823, 20:48 Published in Australia New Zealand by Oboacer

Greets eAustralians,

I hope that things are going well on your side of the Tasman during this period in eRepublik. I understand that while are nations are so close geographically, our history has not been as close as we would have liked.

With this being said, I have taken it upon myself to issue an article in the eAustralian news feed to update your community on what is happening in our tiny region of this world and some info so that you can what we are up too

So lets begin!

So lets begin with the political situation in eNZ. Compared with many other countries, the politics of our nation has been rather quiet and reserved. This is likely because we only have 150 citizens and the political parties have tended to cooperative in regards to the plans for NZ.

Party Standings
#1: Ujedinjenje ili smrt (2011- present) (35 members)

#2: Peace 'n Prosperity Party (2010- present) (24 members)

#3 Socialist Party of New Zealand (2014- present) (24 members)

#4 Black Party of New Zealand (2013- present) (11 members)

#5 Maori Party (2014- present) (6 members)

#6 Love and Peace (2011- present (2 members)

As can be seen, NZ politics has been dominated by some very established parties while also welcoming a new segment of parties to the scene. Cooperation among these parties has been common and while they have all undergone changes with the passage of time (especially the older ones).

Elections, while freely contested, have historically led to a "opened Congress" where no party holds a majority. Typically parties vote together on common MPP's, taxes and even on citizen messages. Again, there has been limited dissent or political infighting with NZ. In Presidential contests, typically a candidate is agreed upon and back-up is run to ensure there is someone ready in case RL steps in and forces a change.

As has been stated before, politics has been a quiet item in the nation but recently there have been stirrings. The PnPP sat as 4 with just 11 members two weeks ago and yet has now jumped to #2 and has been an uptick in activity among the various parties. It is just possible this tiny islands politics is finally seeing a revival.

What about the military situation in NZ? Well for a nation as small as ours we can still hit hard and have some of the strongest fighters that you will see in the New World. For a nation with such a small population, we can still hit hard.

There are multiple military units which operate in our nation, this has been noticed by the government and an attempt to possible integrate them has been proposed but at present few have taken up the call.

Here are the top-military units in our nation

Rank #1: Srpski Korpus
-politically affiliated with Ujedinjenje ili smrt

-politically affiliated with Black Party of NZ

Rank #3: NZArmy-Kiwi Armed Forces

Rank #4: Deathwatch Guard

Rank #5: AA NZDF
-politically affiliated with Maori Party

It should be noted that military units in NZ play a major role in politics, with 3 of the top 5 affiliated with political parties. This has ensured many of these units translate their members into political parties. While the NZ government has sought to decrease the number of Military Units, due to a wide range consisting of 1-3 active members (outside top-3).

This being the case, there is no formal organized NZ military high-command. The MU's are given free reign to do as they place, while consideration is given to ensuring that at last one of the four home regions remains in NZ hands. This typically means that damage is not totally coordinated but there remains lines of communication among all the MU's and the central government.

What of our external relations? Well at present besides being in an official alliance with Thailand, the tripod alliance, our nation has avoided any of the larger ones (those that remain) and instead focused on individual MPP's (notably with eSerbia, eSlovenia, eHungary etc) to name some of the countries we have cooperated with.

Our history has been linked in the past with Phoenix, ONE, TWO and its affiliated ACT, while another formal alliance Circle of Trust was also joined. Yet now, we have stayed outside any other formal alliances.

Because our nation is so small, we have focused on retaining good ties with countries like eChile, ePeru, eArgentina and have even rented out 3 of our 4 home regions due to small size and agreement on their part not to wipe us. This has allowed us to remain on the map but still partake in training and liberation battles with them to boost our military skills.

So I hope that this brief little update sheds some light on the world of your cross-Tasman friends. It is my hope that eAustralia and eNZ can seek to refashion a friendship that has been strained in the past and not the strongest.

Changes in our tiny nation are happening. The citizens are reawakening, politic is starting to get interesting (the NZ Dictatorship being one aspect) and of course the growing idea that cooperation between our two nations should be expanded has been raised by some figures.

Time will tell what happens but till then I say good luck, look forward to speaking with many of you and cheers from your friends!

Minister of Education,
PnPP Secretary General,