Unity Is Strength

Day 2,145, 10:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ToniJR

What does TUP stand for? For me there are three things that represent TUP the most:

1) Unity

The reason I am in The Unity Party is: I value unity above almost all other things. TUP represents not just a united party, but a desire to unite the people of the UK. The common cause being a better UK. All should be put aside to achieve a better UK together.

2) Stability

TUP has been a party at the top of the political scene for a long time. It is a stable party, not shrinking much nor growing excessively either. This makes for a great environment where there are plenty of people with political experience as well as the new intake of players.

3) Good organisation

A party doesn't stay at the top of the political scene without being organised. Good organisation means things are planned out; congress elections, party president elections, country president elections and an organised community. Any organised or unorganised person can fit into TUP well as the party is well maintained and organised as a unit, so you are free to be yourself.