Two New Companies

Day 899, 21:18 Published in USA USA by Patch and Company

Purchase shares of PAC on the ERX.

Current ask price is .086 which would mean an instant profit of21%.

I have been in the process of liquidating shares in some companies as well as dealings with a new large shareholder. The result is going to be, by tomorrow, two new Q3 companies this week. A Q3 Food and Q3 Iron company.

What this means to you as a shareholder:
1. Share values will go up because they represent a percentage of the companies value (which will increase)
2. Dividends will increase

Org Value is projected to increase to about 500g


.104 g/share

Dividend Report:
Due to some fortunate dealings in the ERX I paid 10g this week instead of only 7.5g as predicted. Future dividends will be 1/3 of the company's profits down from 1/2 because of dealings with a large shareholder that allowed the 2 new companies. This will still mean an increase in dividends to you as profits are projected to increase by 200%.

Thanks and Invest Wisely