To all badass party members , make the right call

Day 1,787, 13:43 Published in Israel Israel by Roni Rubin

Hello everyone,

First I'd like to tell you all how sorry I am about the situation eisrael is in today : we are at a very poor economic status,our allies have taken over our country(even if it's for a while,it made a lot of damage to eisrael).
Our military units are not functioning like they should be.
and many soldiers fell asleep and wont wake up and fight in important battles.

All is not good..
I still have hope that those of us who care to fight for eisrael and donate where they can will help improve the situation.

Anyhow this is not what the article is about.

As you all know Party President elections are a few days away,and as you may have seen I'm running in the Badass party,which in my opinion is a very important party with a lot of potential ,it consists mostly of very strong and active player who have given and still give all they can in the name of eIsrael,and that makes me proud to be a part of this special group.

So why should you vote for me?

I'm willing to do all within my power to bring more of these marvelous people to Badass,raising our party rank to 2nd or even first within this month,and yes it is very much possible for there are many other people with great potential out there who still haven't found the right Party to be in.
Badass is for you if you are willing you'll find a home in it,take my word.

As for congress,we do have the most mature people in eisrael who have experience being in congress in both good and bad times,I believe having them in knesset is a key to the door of success,they can be count on to make RIGHT call at critical times,unlike the situation now in congress.
Therefore the rank has to go up and with it the seats of congress for Badass.

This will be a party in which people can communicate at all times,it will have an closed IRC which will address all party members questions and thoughts.

So come on support me making this all come true,not only it is possible but also very easy to do once this great group is in the right hands.

We can do this,so let get it started !

Ronen Rubin