Time to put away childish things...

Day 1,380, 14:16 Published in USA USA by Pfeiffer.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a chil😛 but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

The time is well past for this, to be frank. America is presented with the unique opportunity to genuinely move beyond the internal strife that has been central to our national discourse these past months.

Alexander_Auctoritas has declared for the Presidency.

On his own, Alex is more qualified for this role than any other ticket, both CP and VP combined. Multiple term Secretary of Defense, Executive Officer of the United States Special Forces, a Senior Officer of the Marines, and blah blah blah...you get the picture. Alex's work as Secretary of Defense has brought him into the Terran HQ, where he's worked with our allies to ensure that American damage is getting where it is needed most. These relationships will serve him well in the coming month, and are invaluable to any successful Presidency.

We haven't had a candidate for President run without a Vice President since PigInZen (love you Pig, but Dio wtf happened there), and in that vein Alex set out to find someone to properly compliment his abilities while also serving to address the needs of the nation today.

Kria Erikson is that woman, without a doubt.

Kria will stand alongside Alex, supporting him in various roles as needed. Primarily she will work on national defense, with the NSC Director and Secretary of Defense, as well as being an emissary of sorts to the JCS. Kria's background uniquely qualifies her to help bridge the divide we see among our populace. She's honest, forthright, and genuinely a good person (decent conversationalist too, in my experience). While she and I have come down on opposite sides of political debate, we share a common goal, and that's why I'm proud to work with her as the Auctoritas Administration Chief of Staff.

I don't want to distract you too much, so I'll put my avatar at the end. 😉

How is this possible, you ask? Kria Erikson, Party President of the AMP, and Henry Arundel, the boogeyman and spawn of Satan, working together in the same administration...and in the two most senior roles? Go back and re-read that quote I put up at the top of this article.

While every President relies on his cabinet, it's rare you see a Presidental candidate with a Vice President and Chief of Staff each of whom is qualified for the job, and viable as candidates in their own right. People can talk about having a 'team' to work with, and how no one person can do it all, but what you're getting if you vote Alex/Kria on the 5th is three one man teams...combined.

Get it? If not, I can't really spell it out for you any more.

For those of you waiting for my avatar (yea, it's the best...I know)...

And if you want a little insight into me (you don't, it's scary in here)

Every man who says frankly and fully what he thinks is doing a public service.
Sir Leslie Stephen wrote that...he was a smart dude. I've taken it as a mantra of sorts.

snoochie boochies