This is war - Regiment Rumble Motivation

Day 2,806, 15:02 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Akane Homura

So since the regiment rumble will start and I did not write many articles yet I wanted to do something bit different.

I wish you all the best fun for the regiment rumble and the best luck also ! Take a bit of motivation and awesomeness out of the following youtube AMV
Front Line - Anime MV ♫ AMV
just look this one up since it won´t show me anything else but youtube front page here don´t know why

Don´t forget to fight all out to your hearts content and never forget that I am proud of every single japanese who will participate and fight. Don´t forget to have a lot of fun.

Some quotes that maybe can inspire you:
Don't belive in yourself! Believe in ME who belives in you!!

History is much like an endless waltz; the three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever.

An😛 Angels banished from heaven have no choice but to become devils.

Oh and of course All Hail Lelouch Vi Britannia !