The Real DAL

Day 1,400, 20:56 Published in Canada Canada by T.E. Lwrence

For people who don’t know who I was, or what I did. I’ll put it bluntly. I was a prominent member of the former DAL. I was Party president for almost three months and I was deeply involved in the party for over a year. My story was never told regardless of what others may have thought at the time, or what I thought. As a former party president of the Dal (at the time Canada’s largest party) I had one goal: To build a party that tried to build Interparty relations, and to get rid of the inner party circle. The problem was that I myself didn’t have the time to do it alone, and of course since I couldn’t get anything done when I wanted to, it caused me to take one step forward only to have to take two more back because of other people’s actions. Every time I made progress, other’s (Dominik, Scorpius) would do things that would destroy all progress. To the people who think Cypher’s opinions matter, they shouldn’t he left the party a year and a half ago. His opinion is useless as to regards of the state of the DAL at a time when it fell.

To the issue:
As almost all of you know, the party had always been run by an inner group of members. These members regardless of new ideas, game changes and mechanics, and the fact that many of them didn’t actually play in-game caused an internal collapse and a move to a dictatorship. Scandals aside, the remnants of the party have nothing to do with Scorpius, citizen B or anyone you may try to justify us with. The fact that any of you try to argue that the DAL will have anything to do with them is ludicrous. The other thing is condoning a Canadian criminal such as Rolo in his pursuit of getting into 5th spot is something none of us should support. The man’s a crook and the problem’s he’s cause for this country should never ever be overlooked. Some of the members of the Former Dal wish to recreate a party in a new image, the fact that some continue to fight against it (by using false facts and saying that dead citizens can even do anything) is against any common law of the people. We have the right to try to recreate this party (just like Rolo has the right to try with his party, regardless of his past).

Finally I conclude with the reason for this article. I needed to vent, I wanted to talk about a real issue. Regardless of if the DAL comes back, and regardless of Rolo and the Norse fire party. A question you need to ask yourself is would you rather support a criminal? Or do you (as an eCanadian) wish to support Canadians who wish to do something with the country.