The Ministry of Community: Return of the Beginning (UPDATE)

Day 568, 14:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hi, I am 05637716, the new Community Minister. I’ll try to keep this short and informative. It’s time for an update on my provisional manifesto for the new Community Ministry, which was released a couple of days ago. Revised aims will be posted within 5 days. These ideas are the building blocks upon which we will build up our Irish Community.

• Irelands Chat network: Official and Offside with a mandate to clean up chat and establish proper rules:

Standards and Rules: Discussion is on going in the Dáil. Please go and express your view. If this idea does not work, other avenues will be pursued. Thanks to Uaithne for helping this process along.

• Establish and run an Irish Community Organisation, in charge of running competitions, challenges, awards and providing general entertainment to the Irish community

The Irish Community Organisation and the Irish Community Newspaper has been founded. You can find it at the link below. A section has been created on the forums for everybody’s ideas and suggestions. Every idea helps, and nothing will be discounted. You can find this section at the link below. The full functioning of the Irish Community Org will begin within 10 days, which should give plenty of time for people to respond. Several people have already suggested interesting ideas. COME ON PEOPLE, SUGGEST YOUR FUN AND GAMES! Thanks to Nithraldur for helping set up these orgs.

• Run the eIreland Lottery, proceeds of which goes to Wellness Programs

GarretDA has gratefully given up his time to run the lottery for the Irish Community. You will be hearing more in the coming days.

• Establishing and deciding awards for Entrepreneur of the Month, Soldier of the Month, Politician of the Month and Publisher of the Month, in consultation with the President, the CO’s of the IDF and the Minister’s for Defence, Industry, Education and Information. Thanks to all Minister's and Co's for getting back to me promptly on this matter.

These awards have been established and all people responsible for voting have been informed.

OUTSTANDING ISSUE: Do people want these awards to be prizes? Several parties have contacted me about the possibility of donating money and goods as prizes. I have also seen a proposal on the Dáil to donate money to the organisation. I await feedback from the people on this matter. In the meantime, you’re free to donate whatever you wish to the organisation.

• Establish and run a weekly University Newspaper, encouraging participation and providing links and general exposure, in consultation with the Minister for Education.

The Minister for Education, Darragh O'Faoileáin, has been informed, and he likes the idea. It may not come out this week, but I have high hopes for the future, especially considering I’m a teacher in the university 

• Meet and greet new citizens, and encourage them to participate in the community in whichever manner they feel comfortable in, by providing links and general assistance. This would be done in conjunction with Company Owners, whose duty it would be to report any new citizens working in their companies. Through their own channels, Community Assistants will meet and greet New Citizens as well.

Article on this to be released tomorrow. See the proposed New Citizens message via the link below. Thanks to Teutorix Aleria who was bored by me for about an hour about our plans for the Ministry.

• Create and maintain an impartial and completely objective Question and Answer Org, whose duty it is to answer questions and provide wholly factual information about eRepublik life, political parties, forums, etc. In conjunction with the information bank to be introduced on the forums.

* Create and maintain a New Citizens Guide in the Forums, and create and maintain a New Congress Member Guide

The Irish Community Org will serve as the country’s Queston and Answer Organisation. Until the explanatory article is released tomorrow, if you run across any New Citizens, point them to the Irish Community org.

The Information Bank has been set up. Even though I organised it, I am amazed by the quality of information that lies within, even for seasoned old-timers. Anyone who is aware of another article that might fit the bill should contact the Irish Community org. Find the information bank here:

• All of these functions will be the responsibility of the Community Minister and his/her Community Assistants, and will be implemented primarily on the forums and through the use of a new Irish Community Org.

Everybody ooohhh and aaaahhh at the sparkly new Community section on our national forums. This along with the IRC and the Irish Community Org will be the hub of this Ministry and this eNation. Get involved. A special thanks to Collins for helping me set up the forum.

Pay attention to the number of people already thanked in this article. It shows that this can be, and will be, a true community effort of behalf of all of the people of eIreland.

Any constructive feedback would be appreciated.


Digits (aka 05637716)
Community Minister.