The isolani's Power - Nimzowitch on Eden

Day 1,858, 18:40 Published in India Canada by olivermellors

I am curious.

I have curious habits and curious behaviours. I also like to ask questions.

There is no in game “alliance” button. Experience has taught that alliances are an extra layer of gameplay, vital because of their usefulness. Here is what I’m wondering about.

1. Does an alliance imply in-game MPPs?
2. Is the effectiveness of an alliance dependant on an MPP stack?
3. Is the absence of alliance an impediment to building a stack?

In friendly competition, my teammates know that we have to work together yet each has a different principle function. Mssrs. Rook join hands to guard the files and ranks, Black takes care of his coloured diagonals while White has charge of the others; two equestrians jump into tight holes and eight of us form a skeleton that controls the landscape. Our Queen is the star but she can’t do anything meaningful without support. We are all of differing strengths and relative values yet each is invaluable and the loss of any one is a blow. Sometimes, after much heroic effort, one of the commoners gets promoted to royalty and that is something we all strive for.

We try to avoid becoming isolated. Without support from friendly forces we may survive peacefully for a time. We are easy pickings, low hanging fruit that can be snatched whenever the opponent considers it in their interest. Rarely, the isolani can become super powerful, expand and run down the side of the playing surface while the action is focused elsewhere: the weakest wins the game. It happens. Near the end of a contest, when it is a real possibility, I can urge adoption of this strategy. It isn’t an appropriate approach when all the big powers are still contending.

It seems to me that neutrality promises nothing beyond the faint hope of the isolani. Alliances without MPPs are little better.

The curious little man wonders.