The Election Is Coming, The Election Is Coming!!!

Day 714, 07:39 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

With the coming election, I am reminded of the old childrens story of chicken little and the little bird's constant cries of, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling, it hit me on the head"

So to our politicians are quickly scrambling, preaching that electing someone other than them will certainly cause the sky to fall on you. And so ePolitics is just as chaotic as RL politics. With so many good candidates to choose from, what is a new eCanadian with their first opportunity to vote supposed to do? Its simple, read, ask questions, get involved! The future governance of our great nation rides on your involvement. We can not leave it to the old guard to make all the decisions on their own. Like you, I am relatively new here and this election will be my first chance to have a hand in deciding what happens to my country.

If you have not yet done so, take the time to search out the party forums for the major players in the political game...log on as a visitor, read the party and candidate platforms, and ask questions of the party leadership. What have you got to lose? I can tell you that the forums are a great place to learn what is going on in your country. Log on to the eCanada forum well your at it and press the current administration to answer the tough questions you need answered in order to make an informed choice. Don't badger...but ask informed and direct questions.

Whether your candidate wins or loses is one thing, but not voting at all is simply unacceptable. The RIGHT to vote and choose in a democratic society is one we can not take for granted. We are a free and liberated nation, now is the time to exercise our right to choose!

See you at the polls and may the best candidate win!