The Bear

Day 2,027, 23:32 Published in Switzerland Canada by Thedillpickl

I'm a Simple Man.

Hi kids!

Well, I want to write an article to encourage everyone. I wish to express my thoughts regarding the Slovenian situation. I was going to reassure you that help is out there, if you know which rock to look under. I had been flipping those rocks PM'ing old friends. Poking around, looking for new friends. Then this World War thing started and of course they are busy fighting elsewhere.

Interesting things crawl out from under rocks.

Italy Is Our Best Chance?

Today the Alpine Treaty was signed. I'm told these are the only friends we have. I have nothing against the Treaty, in fact I am in favor of it. I just don't see how this gets us our regions back.

Our new bro's.

Poking The Bear

So the new strategy that we shall use involves taking the longest stick we can find and poking at Slovenia, hoping they will budge off one or more of our regions. No planning is required and certainly no thought whatsoever. Poke, poke, poke... We will never be helped by any "big" countries because they are always too busy. Poke, poke, poke... CoT does nothing but sympathize with our plight. Poke, poke, poke...

Right about now I'd be in favor of shootin' the somebitch.

Please Stop Poking The Bear!

You have no reason to believe me, I understand that. I also realize that people want to have a region or two. I have to say that I don't think diplomacy will work. Even if we cause some trouble with RW's I don't think Slovenia will give any real concession. I propose we take our time, plan and organize ourselves. When the world war is over we can call on friends for help and shoot the damned bear. Maybe not destroying the bear but eventually making it wish to leave us alone because we are more trouble than we are worth.

Little kids playing with their pets. Ahhhh...


No one wants to discuss the current plan of action. No one cares for my input or help. This is fine. I did not come here to take over anything. I only write this article so that everyone who reads may understand my position. I'll be watching and waiting to see how this turns out.