Thank you, CoT members!

Day 2,176, 11:28 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Mrs NoLimit
English version below

Добра вечер на всички!

Последните часове нещо много се размърдахме, дали за добро или не- времето ще покаже. Най-голямата новина е за разпадането на СоТ. Основно пиша тази статия за всички, които повярваха в нас от началото и над година и половина бяха с нас по този път. За това и основните благодарности ще са на английски.

Просто смятам, че без значение дали СоТ сега е мъртъв или не, кой по-виновен от другия… Дължим го на всички онези играчи, които се биха и се бият с нас в битките ни, както и ние в техните.

Няма да коментирам гласувания, дали е трябвало да се питат гражданите и прочие, защото не съм толкова активна (да не чажа изобщо) и някои неща ми убягват.

Накратко БЛАГОДАРЯ на всички страни, които повярваха в нас в началото и които бяха до край с нас, дори когато сами не знаехме какво искаме и изпаднахме в летаргия.

Dear all,

I will try to be short in this. I am not a part of the eBulgarian gov and have not been for a few months now. Still, I worked with so many people when I was MoFA. That is why I and many others in eBulgaria would like to say a few words.

In the beginning, when we started to talk about a new alliance, about CoT, we were driven by several things. We wanted equality for all members, we wanted friends, we wanted to point middle fingers at some other countries (yeah, lets face it 😃 )

In any case CoT for us was a wonderful time. We made new friends! Cherished the time with some of our oldest allies and so on.

Today I see that a new chapter has begun. If it was inevitable, I don’t know. Maybe. If it was done the right way… for me no.

First, a big THANK YOU to all countries that believed in CoT and were a part of it. It is not enough, but it is the only thing we can give for now. We know how hard it was for some to join us or to stay with us. It was and it will always be a pleasure to fight beside you in these eBattles.

I personally think that after the vote was initiated (for the end of CoT) Bulgaria is one of the countries, that should have stayed until all others voted yes. For me, when you were one of the main reasons of the creation of CoT, you should go last 🙂 In a way it would have been more respectful that way.

Moving on, some players pointed a few fingers towards me and a couple of other bulgarian players, for stepping down for months and being inactive.
Everybody needs a break! We are sorry if we contributed to the problems 🙁 It won’t turn back time, I know.

I am stopping with the jibberish. Just…

Thank you all for the support!
Thank you all for the friendship!
Thank you all for the memories!
Thank you all for believing!

We are only human, we make mistakes, but I personally am not sorry or ashamed of anything! Because we had some of the best UPS in CoT and some of the most unforgettable DOWNS (that have not happened to us since 2009-2010 😃 😃 ) in CoT 😃

Soooooooo, what is next?

Anyone up for THE EVIL KITTY ALLIANCE??? Mew?


Hola a todos ,

Voy a tratar de ser breve en esto. Yo no soy parte del gobierno eBulgarian y no han sido por un par de meses. Aún así , he trabajado con mucha gente cuando estaba Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores . Es por eso que yo y muchos otros en eBulgaria gustaría decir unas pocas palabras.

Al principio, cuando empezamos a hablar de una nueva alianza , sobre cuna, nos llevaron por varias cosas . Queríamos que la igualdad de todos los miembros , hemos querido amigos , queríamos señalar con el dedo medio en algunos otros países ( sí, admitámoslo : D)

En cualquier caso, cuna para nosotros fue un momento maravilloso. Hicimos nuevos amigos! Acariciado el tiempo con algunos de nuestros aliados más antiguos y así sucesivamente .

Hoy veo que un nuevo capítulo se ha iniciado . Si era inevitable , no lo sé . Puede ser. Si se hace de la manera correcta ... para mí no.

En primer lugar, un gran agradecimiento a todos los países que creen en la cuna y fueron parte de la misma. No es suficiente , pero es lo único que podemos dar por ahora. Sabemos lo difícil que fue para algunos a unirse a nosotros o para quedarse con nosotros. Fue y siempre será un placer para luchar a tu lado en estos eBattles .

Personalmente, creo que después de iniciada la votación (el final de cuna) Bulgaria es uno de los países , que debería haber estado hasta que todos los demás votaron a favor . Para mí , cuando era uno de los principales motivos de la creación de cuna, hay que ir pasado 🙂 De una manera que hubiera sido más respetuoso de esa manera.

Cambiando de tema, algunos jugadores señalaron algunos dedos hacia mí y un par de otros jugadores búlgaros , por dimitir por meses y estar inactivo .
Todo el mundo necesita un descanso! Lo sentimos , si hemos contribuido a los problemas : (No será volver el tiempo atrás , lo sé..

Gracias a todos por el apoyo !
Gracias a todos por la amistad !
Gracias a todos por los recuerdos !
Gracias a todos por creer !