Tenshibo Speaks

Day 1,249, 19:13 Published in South Africa USA by GoneAndGone

Hello everyone. As you may have noticed, I have been speaking more reservedly on issues as of late. In the past, I'd be an extremist; spouting, yelling, and inevitably swearing. But I realize that this approach is stupid.

But today, an issue I care deeply about has surfaced. One thing, for a long time, that I have disagreed with, is destroying countries, and taking them off the map. It only hurts the average player who plays the game for fun. It is key to this game, but that doesn't make it okay, right, or good for players.

Now eSA is in what one may call a "position of power". The fate of Brazil is in our hands, left for us to decide. We have already done things that make it so that they WILL be wiped off the map. They will be out of our hair for a little while, and will be "punished" for past crimes.

But I ask you: Is. This. Right.
Let me say this again. Is this right, people?

Brazil has shown in both past and present a sheer lack of regard when it comes to eSA. They are the Yankees, and we are the crappy triple A farm team they take all the goods from. They wipe us out when they see fit, release our regions back to us as shields; they take our pride and spit on us.

So, it is obvious that we want revenge.

"We are but men, drawn to act in the name of revenge we deem to be justice. But when we call our vengeance justice, it only breeds more revenge... forging the first link in the chains of hatred" -Nagato

We want revenge for Brazil wiping us off the map multiple times. We want revenge for the feelings of despair, worthlessness, and hopelessness they made us feel. And we are taking it how? By allowing the same things happen to them.

Quick question: who wiped us off the map? The people of Brazil? No. The Brazilian government? Yes. Why should an entire nation of people, playing this game to escape life, be demeaned and destroyed, as revenge against a small group of people?

Allowing this too happen will only breed more revenge, more hatred, more suffering. That is wrong.

As a country, we have a chance. We can stand up, help Brazil. frak the past, frak the hate, and frak revenge. All we need, is unity. We can fight back anyone. We may fail. We may hurt. It may be long. But, in the end, it will work. Together, not as Terra or enemies. But as two countries saying, "Sup, lets get a beer and frak some bitches." Together, with the goal of better countries, we can fight back all, whether they be ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, or even FIVE!

And should we fail, should we get destroyed in the process, we're no worse off than if Brazil gets wiped, and comes back at us for revenge for letting it happen.

Many of you out there won't like this, but, that’s how it is. Do the right thing, and helping out the weak, so they can make you strong.


PS: I'm also running for congress in Mplumaga under the CEP. Just sayin.