Switzerland Heats Up: Week 1 of the Proteus Administration Comes to a Close

Day 1,088, 14:10 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512
In Switzerland

The last seven days have seen a dramatic turnabout as the new Proteus administration has taken a new stance on everything from economic reform to a national military. When Paul was inaugurated on the 6th, expectations were varied. The new administration's goals were ambitious, to say the least, and many predicted that it would sink in the treacherous waters which it would inevitably need to navigate.

It's too soon to see if Proteus has succeeded in his goals. But he's certainly kept his promises. Within days of his ascent to presidency, announcements about a new military were released, exciting the public opinion and drawing fierce debate.

For better or for worse, Paul is following up on his campaign promises.

The new government was not to go unchallenged, however. Cesgon, who arrived in 2nd place for the November elections, proposed an impeachment shortly after Paul's victory. The impeachment was voted down by a decisive vote of 20-8. The results clearly show that Congress is intrigued, if not fully won over, by Paul's platform.

Battles Flare up Across Europe

Around Switzerland, nations are caught in deadly embraces. Directly north of us, Germany and The United Kingdom defend against the EDEN forces of Poland, Sweden, and Italy.

The UK shields Germany from Poland, at the cost of it's mainland.

Meanwhile, Canada marches on the English capital. The UK, split between mainland europe and their island homes, are mounted desperate defenses against the Canucks. The eyes of the world are on this delicate situation, and only time will tell what alliance will ultimately triumph.

The war in Northern Europe is not the only one being fought. Down southwest of us, a bloody war in the Iberian Peninsula rages. Spain, caught between a two-pronged attack from Brazil and France, fights wars on multiple fronts. However, the Spanish have managed to protect their interests successfully over the past week, and it is doubtful that either France or Brazil will be able to establish any extended occupation.

That's all for today, and here's the free ice cream of the day: