Suggestion: Form an alliance with other small powers

Day 1,270, 18:28 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Monsieur Guillontine

Salut eBelgium! So if you have not done so already, please go to Belgian Suggestion/Complaint Form and express yourself freely.

Suggestion: Form an alliance with other small powers

So recently, eBelgium signed a Mutual Protection Pact with eMacedonia. This alliance served two purposes. One, that now eBelgian citizens are able to fight in daily battles. And two, that now our relations with eMacedonia have greatly increased. Yet, some eBelgians believe that we should have more allies, especially with smaller nations such as eIreland and ePhilippines. But before we even talk about signing more Mutual Protection Pacts, we must keep in mind that the eBelgian government can only afford around 2 alliances per month. Now, since we cannot fund too many alliances at once, it is important to judge whether signing a Mutual Protection Pact with another eNation is worth it. Therefore, alliances may be a way for us to show our respect and appreciation for another eNation, but sometimes, it is pointless when we can show such gratitude in different ways such as sending military forces to aid the eNation when they are at war.

Complaint: All workers are in state companies

I'm sure many of you have military jobs right now. And of course, it pays quite well! But... have you ever thought of what happens to small business owners? Where will they get their employees now? In the past month or so, wages for companies have soared. But why? Because all the owners are competing for the limited amount of workers. As a result of these government companies, although eBelgian citizens are now receiving quite a lot of aid, the fact is that this is destabilizing the economy. Because eBelgians are already obtaining their food and weapons from the government companies, there will be no need to buy food and weapons, which then causes for small business owners to make less profits. And so, it is a possibility that the military jobs might be creating a chain of events that might end up destroying eBelgium's economy.

So, what do you think about the suggestion and complaint? Should they be debated about more by Congress? Tell me what you think below. And remember, never be afraid to speak what your mind believes in. In fact, you can still remain anonymous and might even have your suggestion or complaint in my next article! Just write what you want on the Belgian Suggestion/Complaint Form. Please, people of eBelgium, if you would to see more articles, it is important for you, the people who create these words, to let your voice be heard.

Yours Truly,
Monsieur Guillontine