Subluxation of Brain [TROLLING]

Day 1,821, 20:20 Published in USA Switzerland by pop George

Dateline: where the eagles nest above the falls on the James

Editors Note: I have taken the penname blur and can be found partying here (consider stopping by)

1650 Fuller PisgatA full paper blurred over with falsehoods”

Blur: “To obscure or sully (what has been fair) by smearing with ink or…”

1892 Illustr. Lond. NewsA pen, that strange conductor between the self he knows and the ‘subliminal self’ which is often flashing its surprises on him

Subliminal: “Below the threshold of sensation of consciousness: said of states supposed to exist but not strong enough to be recognized. Also, pertaining to “the Subliminal Self”.

The following is an editorial from Bass Turd of Facebook’s War Commander, who was once; party president of Bass Turds of the Black Sea and editor of SEX (Second Effort Xanthous) that newspaper that was, severely censored by the hokies he created, in this game.

If you enjoy hex based games (such as War Commander) don’t get your hopes up too much. Don’t get me wrong ,I waste hours and countless dollars playing War Commander, I mean what a pity someone couldn’t start a game where communities like the ones to be found here, could face off against each other, interactively as communities…)only if I had a link to the security guard from “Children of Men” saying sad faces😢

Doodlely submitted;
Trolling all the stinking elitest at once…

Future feature; The Once Mythical Guard Pony Exposed