Spreading More Love: For Heliconpac

Day 908, 19:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Since this has been so well received, I think I will continue. Can't go wrong by saying nice things about people. Unless their a Brit Troll. But then they aren't people. So I'm all good. 😉

So...... today it is Heliconpac. I first met Heli when he was a wee one. It was when he hit Level 8 and started his newspaper. You all know how I love wonderful writing. Heli certainly has the talent for it. I particularly enjoy his parable style of writing. It's always entertaining, and always relevant. If there was any doubt about his talent you only have to visit his newspaper the Banshee's Wail to see what I mean.


We started our correspondence during my second term as president. At that time I had made some controversial moves which ended up in our acquisition of Northern Ireland, our subsequent RW with the Brits, and at least two failed impeachment attempts. lol Ahhhhhh....... good times. 😉

Instead of making a snap judgement about my actions, Heli asked questions wanting to understand where I was coming from and why I made the decisions I did. I must have answered well because our friendship blossomed from there.

He and so many others who make up EA have been extremely supportive at a time when I was mired in controversy and contempt. His PM's were like little bits of light during a torrential storm and I have always appreciated it.

If I didn't thank you before Heli, I'm doing it now. It meant a lot to me. Truly.

I'm lifting my pint to you, Heliconpac!

