Spotlight: An Interview With PM Candidate Derek Harland

Day 732, 08:33 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

The Northern Telegraph is pleased to announce that we will be running a series of interviews with the PM Candidates. The interviews will contain the same questions for each candidate in the interest of fairness and promises to be both fresh and coming from the angle of a newer player. We hope you enjoy the series.

Mr. Harland, I want to thank you for taking the time to sit down with me. My interview will focus on several issues but will attempt to avoid the conundrum of asking the same old questions over and over again. I will try not to beat a dead horse with you. Lets begin:

The term “Two Clicker” or “Newb” is used to describe new players in the game. As a relatively new player myself, what specific action plans will your administration support or create to help these new players become constructive members of the country?

There are a few things I want to talk about that I hope will answer this question:

a) The Ministry of Education has been doing wonders lately. Booleus still provides daily articles from the Ministry of Education newspaper found here: It includes an outstanding guide, that if a new citizen reads will be set for his life in becoming productive and constructive citizens in our country. Adasko and coach_nyta are also working to create a Mentorship program that will pair up a new citizen with a more experienced one to help them learn and get involved in society. Our new citizens today are the futures of tomorrow and it is important they get developed properly.

b) The THOR program that William Duncan proposed in his newspaper article here: I would like to work on getting it up and running which will help not only eCanadian new citizens but also new citizens from the EDEN alliance which will only help us as well.

c) Continue supporting and expanding the Canadian Health Services and Meals on Wheels Canada. There should be focus on getting new clients in both programs to get new citizens started on a good start which will encourage them to continue and play.

As I look at the Cabinet positions and the selection process, how will your administration address the growing issue of the centralization of power and what appears at times to be an “Old Boys Club” type of atmosphere in government?

I think that working with Treian as Vice-President starts the process of spreading out the power of cabinet. Our cabinet has a few changes and also will spread out cabinet positions very well among the parties after working with Treian to make sure their is representation evenly spread.

As new players are the foundation on which any country is built, what steps will your government take to help bridge the gap that develops when players move from being “Two Clickers” to participating will you help them develop and move into greater positions of contribution?

I think the most important part of eRepublik in getting new citizens to continue to play the game and develop into contributing members is to get them involved in society. That means the eCanadian forums and I think most importantly, the IRC. The Ministry of Education tries to send PMs to new members and I will encourage them to continue to do so, and also encourage them to get involved in society. Once they meet how nice people on the forums and chat aread are they will want to be involved with the community and the game more.

As the CAF is an issue that is near and dear to me, what specific action plans will your administration enact to not only develop and grow our existing CAF, but recruit as well

The CAF is currently developing more and more and I have had the pleasure of being deeply involved with organizing the CAF and getting orders set. I have had the pleasure of seeing 50 CAF members all on the IRC just minutes before the end of an important battle ready to strike when called upon. That is what is so impressive about our army and allows us to strategically deliver big damage points when necessary and I will continue arranging for that. HOWEVER, the biggest problem with the CAF right now is the delay that some citizens have when applying for the CAF. I will work with the CAF to allow for easier and quicker acceptance into the army to get them involved immediately.

As a political leader, what is one area of weakness to which you feel you will need the most assistance as Prime Minister?

The one area where I need the most assistance is working with the economy. That is why in my cabinet I have a panel of a few people who are active and provide good economic suggestions. I will make sure to listen to them and make decisions based on their adivce. The director of the Finance department, Chamrajnagar is also an amazing economist and does a great job handling funds and working with the government. That is why I will make sure I am in close contact with Chamrajnagar and make sure I am listening to what he has to say.

Conversely, what is your greatest area of strength?

I know that I can be the right person to get eCanada organized and set upon the right direction. I want eCanada to work together with each other to accomplish our goals instead of constantly fighting which doesn't get anything done. I will make sure our cabinet ministers are working on the goals I have set out for them because it is not only the Prime Minister running the country but everyone else in government.

If elected, what issue will you place at the top of your list of things to accomplish inside of your first few days in power?

The first issue I want to put on my to-do list if elected would be to conclude the debate about higher vs. lower dollar. I have seen the advantages to both sides and I will leave that up to my economic advisors to do the research and advise me on a smart policy to approach and then communicate with congress as to what they want to see done. Other than that, I want to go through the transition period of getting cabinet working and organization passwords organized as quickly as possible.

Communication from government is an issue that at times, under the current administration, has been both inconsistent and inappropriate. How will you address the issue of public relations well in office?

lcameron is a great Press Communications Officer and he is very active on IRC. It is important to give him constant updates as to what to say on the government press office here: I encourage everyone who reads this to make sure they are subscribed to this newspaper so you get orders and advice as soon as it comes out. I also plan to communicate often from my own private newspaper that will provide updates as to what the government has been up to.

Which of the following do you feel is most in need of both examination and attention. Foreign Policy, Economics, Military?

Foreign policy. PEACE is dissolving and all of the New World will be trying to adjust to the death of this once great alliance. There will be much change in December around the world and it is important to make sure we come out on top.

Give me one word that best describes a government led by yourself


Thank you for your time, it has been a genuine pleasure and good luck!