Spotlight: An Interview With PM Candidate Banach

Day 733, 08:13 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

The Northern Telegraph was lucky enough to sit down with eCanadian legend Banach for an interview as he prepares his run towards the Prime Ministers Office.

Thank you for taking the time out of what I am sure is a VERY busy schedule of campaigning for you.

Banach: First of all, thank you for having me for an interview.

The term “Two Clicker” or “Newb” is used to describe new players in the game. As a relatively new player myself, what specific action plans will your administration support or create to help these new players become constructive members of the country?

Banach: It’s important to reach as many new players as possible. The easiest way is through our Citizen Message that is PM’d to them at the start. The New Player FAQ must be in there, in both languages so citizens have an easy-to-read resource at the start. The forums and IRC are also important to the growth of the nation and emphasis will be placed on streamlining our tools of communication so that all newer players get access to veteran members, and useful information at a rapid pace. With the advent of eRepublik Chat, we can offer that as an easier alternative to IRC for newer players as well.

As I look at the Cabinet positions and the selection process, how will your administration address the growing issue of the centralization of power and what appears at times to be an “Old Boys Club” type of atmosphere in government?

Banach: I don’t pick people based on age. If I could actually, since we are in peace time, I’d pick strictly newer players to be the Ministers, and make veterans their deputies. Alas, I doubt our society would be ready and accepting of such a move, so the best I can do is make the deputies newer players. I also believe in frequent cabinet shuffles and rotations. People who hold the job for too long get too lenient and may stop doing their work well. If I see someone slacking off, I’ll give a newer, productive, ambitious player the opportunity to help the nation. Like I said, country first, and putting country first and giving opportunity to newer players and treating them seriously.

As new players are the foundation on which any country is built, what steps will your government take to help bridge the gap that develops when players move from being “Two Clickers” to participating will you help them develop and move into greater positions of contribution?

Banach: Involvement really differs from person to person. Some people take a very long time to involve themselves into the game, despite aid from government programs and citizens. Other jump right into things, perhaps because of experience in other games. We recognize that people are different are require various forms of communication and aid. The most important thing is to give people opportunities to present themselves. The Military program is excellent to showcase activity and loyalty to the Rangers. Our Ambassador program is fantastic and helps a lot of younger player develop into mature members. Working for the Ministry of Industries is one step in the right direction, as is being a deputy Minister in the Cabinet. The opportunities are there really, all that we need to continue doing is letting people know of these through the new citizen message, articles from the Ministry of Education, tutoring from older citizens and by keeping interest high in the game (WAR!)

As the CAF is an issue that is near and dear to me, what specific action plans will your administration enact to not only develop and grow our existing CAF, but recruit as well?

Banach: For one, our troops will be passing into the branches they belong in and not the ones that requirements force them into. The requirements will be raised to spur growth in our Regulars and Elites. Our supply system can use a tweak or two as well, and my administration would take steps to begin modernizing our military. Platoon companies can be established that hand out weapons to workers working reduced wage and the strategic reserves and Minister of Defence can fill in the rest. The Tank Boost Program that I proposed seems to be well underway, and I commend Ramizeth for that as well. We’d continue not only that program, but another program I endorse, the military exchange, which would help us share our ideas with those of our allies, and allow them to return the favour. It would greatly help our knowledge bank and help us transfer into a highly stable military capable of supporting a larger amount of soldiers.

As a political leader, what is one area of weakness to which you feel you will need the most assistance as Prime Minister?

Banach: I think that I must remember that this is an ever changing game and I cannot do things without careful thought. While I have a vast array of knowledge of many things, I must remember to discuss my plans over with my colleagues, and seek advice. No one is perfect, and I have lapses in judgement or perhaps require assistance from my economics advisors. In short, I must remember to seek guidance from those around me, and continually open myself to learning new things.

Conversely, what is your greatest area of strength?

Banach: I am a very public figure. I have fantastic contacts around the globe and would make an excellent representative to foreign leaders whom I talk to already anyways. I am active on our chats and IRC and accessible to our citizens. I make daily announcements through shouts or articles. I believe that being at such a high level of social awareness would make me approachable and help citizens recognize me as not an overlord, but one of them.

If elected, what issue will you place at the top of your list of things to accomplish inside of your first few days in power?

Banach: Aside from the obvious logistics of passwords, masking, forum organizing, Thank You Articles (Always Fun) and such, I’m hoping to get involved right away. A quick chat with each newly elected PM, a massive review of CSIS, our CAF, government companies, and organizations will ensue. I need to basically see what I want to work with, what I do not. As an administration, we must establish where we stand and what we want to accomplish. Also, just like last time I was elected, massive cookie party just after I declare was on every nation possible. The people always love it.

Communication from government is an issue that at times, under the current administration, has been both inconsistent and inappropriate. How will you address the issue of public relations well in office?

Banach: Communication is a topic many talk about but few understand. Communication falls into many categories, which I addressed. ICamero, my communications manager will be releasing info about training wars and other basic government updates on a daily basis to ensure the public is aware of what the government is up to. Alias Vision, my Public Relations manager is my voice when I’m not there to proclaim it. He will clear up any issues, miscommunications and otherwise confusing statements on my behalf so that everyone is on the same page, My newspaper will turn into an official government paper that I will use to release proper updates every few days. These updates will encompass literally everything I do, that is not confidential of course

Which of the following do you feel is most in need of both examination and attention. Foreign Policy, Economics, Military?

Banach: Foreign Policy for sure. While the other two factors are crucial to a successful nation, they are currently stable and predictable. Foreign affairs will be changing drastically and me and my excellent team of ambassadors, representatives and ministers will be focusing heavily on the integration and acceptance of former PEACE nations, the continual diplomacy with hostile nations, and an increase of the Canadian presence internationally as a PEACE keeper and a liberator, and not an imperialistic country.

Give me one word that best describes a government led by yourself

Banach: Enlightenment

Thank you for your time, it has been a genuine pleasure and good luck!

Banach: No problem, cheers.