South African Liberalism – The way forward

Day 742, 12:20 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I have to admit that in the last couple of months I have been proud to see eSouth Africa grow into a country that I believe the world can look at as a model of democracy. The freedom of the individual to get involved and work for their country in a way that can really make a change has been promoted and this has become evident in the newest congress make-up. It’s a new guard and I feel like one of the old guys in the halls of government.

eSA might be Liberal, but does it embody true Liberalism. Like anything there can always be too much. An ultra-liberal system would belittle the powers of Government and a country can become lawless and un-manageable whereas the opposite can become oppressive. There needs to be a balance and I believe, and will always believe that there should be a party in this country that can define the line, a party that is not afraid to push its agenda - always promoting what it sees as right for the people. I see the makings of such a party in the Liberal Party of South Africa (LPSA). As former party president of the LPSA it has saddened me to see it get knocked down so many times, yet I am to hear anything bad said about the party from anyone. We were a top 5 party, but unfortunately with the creation of the IA and SAL we are no longer in this position. I believe that it is unfair that the LPSA had to take the brunt of the political landscape shifts that had occurred but then again these things happen and we can hardly go around blaming the IA or SAL for coming into existence.

So, you have this party, a party that no-one to my knowledge has ever said anything bad about. You have dedicated members (although few) trying their hardest to get it going and you have this wonderful idea of true South African Liberalism. All that is needed is a few good eSouth African that are willing to get involved. I would like to the LPSA as a top 5 party buy the next congressionals, but again we need active people that are willing to stand for what we believe in. We need people that are willing to stand for congress and that are willing to protect the freedom of the ordinary man at all costs.

We, dear friends are free. Let’s not forget the days in exile and let’s not forget about when we watched our country destroyed by the Brazilian and Indonesian hordes. We have come along way since then yet we let parties like the ANA exist amongst us. The LPSA sits ready to make a difference.

Again, this is a call to all active eSouth Africans to think about it, just for one second. Imagine making a difference again. Not just the same old day to day activities that happen, but taking something that has so much potential and making it shine. Then taking the ideology of the party and making it work for eSA. This is exactly why I call all active eSouth Africans to join the LPSA and help us change the face of the nation.

Please dear friend, sign up at the following forum to find out more:

LPSA Forum


Mark Morcom