Some ideas/niste idei ..... by Wolf333a

Day 2,564, 03:47 Published in Romania Romania by Wolf333a


Some ideas for eRepublik

1 Fix economy

I see so many articles about fix economy, bout I think there are so few people that understand what is happening whit the economy. The problem among players is that the cost is higher that the income, especially for q1-q2-q3-q4-q5 weapons/food factories. Bout why we have this problem? because there are to many players that produce more than enough end this means that the prices will go down end for a player who produce whit employees this mean that the income will gone be less. So what can Plato change?

A to make players to spend more, end this will gone artificial grow the prices. End this can be make by small changes, for example at the weekly challenge to make it easier to reach 20 recovery energy, because players will gone fight more end they will gone consume more food/weapons.

B I think this is very risky, really don’t know if is better, bout he could try to reduce the number the companies vhere you can work as manager, bout is very risky because maybe the majority of the players will leave, especially new ones because the rich players will gone become more rich end the poor more poor.

C Maybe to introduce quality points for companys, that every player most do something to have a better quality at his company, like a bonus.

2 Newspaper

I think the endorse button is a big plus for the newspaper, this think will gone improve the quality of the articles. Bout I want to see

A to be more transparent, the system is not good, why I gain forfeit points because I put a photo whit a bra? End some players whit almost naked women don’t get forfeit points?

B want to have the liberty to write about movies, music, other games etc. Again I receive 1 forfeit point because I make an article about this. Yes I find it on the forum topic about movies, songs, bout I want to write in the newspaper, I don’t use the forum.

3 Competitions

I will like to see some guerilla competitions or missions whit guerilla fights, I thinks this could be interesting. Maybe even a weekly challenge guerilla fights separately to weekly challenge. For far to many time I don’t see a competitions or something new end is start to be boring, we have luck with ClopoyaurTV bout is not enough, we need something to challenge every player to make progress.

If you agree whit me ideas than vote the article, maybe someone will gone see it end maybe the admins will gone do something. My message is very simple improve the gameplay experience of players.


Niste idei pentru eRepublik

1 Repara Economia

Vad prea multe articole despre repara economia, dar eu cred ca sunt foarte putini oameni care inteleg ce se intampla cu economia. Problema printre jucatori este ca costurile sunt mai mari decat veniturile, in special pentru q1-q2-q3-q4-q5 arme/hrana fabrica. Dar de ce avem aceasta problema? Pentru ca sunt prea multi jucatori care produc mai mult decat suficient si asta inseamna ca preturile vor cobori si pentru un jucator care produce cu angajatii asta inseamna ca venitul o sa fie mai putin. Ce poate sa faca Plato?

A Sa-i faca pe jucatori sa cheltuiasca mai mult, si acest lucru o sa faca sa creasca economia intr-un mod artificial. Si acest lucru poate fi facut prin mici modificari, De exemplu la provocarea saptamanala sa faca sa fie mai usor sa ajungi la 20 recuperare energie, pentru ca jucatori vor consuma mai multe arme/hrana.

B Cred ca acest lucru este foarte riscant, chiar nu stiu daca este mai bine, dar poate incerca sa reduca numarul de compani la care poti lucra ca si manager, dar este foarte riscant, poate sa-i faca pe jucatori sa paraseasca acest joc, in special jucatori noi pentru ca jucatori mai ,,bogati” vor deveni mai bogati si jucatori ,,saraci” mai saraci.

C Poate sa introduca puncte de calitate pentru compani, fiecare sa indeplineasca un anumit sarcina pentru a avea o companie cu o calitate mai buna, ca un fel de bonus.

2 Ziar

Cred ca este un mare plus butonul de endorsare, acest lucru va imbunatati calitatea articolelor. Dar eu vreau sa va😛

A sa fie mai transparent sistemul, deocamdata nu este bun, de ce primesc puncte de suspendare pentru ca am pus o poza cu un sutien? si alti jucatori pun poze cu femei aproape goale si nu patesc nimic?

B As vrea sa am libertatea de a scrie despre filme, muzica, alte jocuri etc. Din nou am primit 1 punct de suspendare pentru ca am facut un articol despre asa ceva. Da am vazut pe forum un subiect despre filme, muzica, dar eu vreau sa pot sa scriu in ziar despre asa ceva, eu nu folosesc forumul.

3 Concursuri

As vrea sa vad niste concursuri de gherila sau niste misiuni cu lupte de gherila, eu cred ca ar fi foarte interesant. Poate chiar o ,,provocare” saptamanala de gherila pe langa provocarea saptamanala. De prea mult timp nu vad o competitie sau ceva nou si incepe sa devina plictisitor, avem noroc cu ClopoyaurTV dar nu ajunge, fiecarui jucator are nevoie de o provocare pentru a putea progresa.

Daca esti de acord cu ideile mele atunci voteaza articolul, poate cineva o sa vada acest articol si poate admini o sa faca ceva. Mesajul meu este foarte simplu imbunatatiti experienta de joc a jucatorilor.