Smoke on the Water and in Congress

Day 2,192, 13:54 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke
These ones are for Tom Joad,

A machine can have many different components with their own specific duties, but failing to keep it clean and working towards a common goal will cause it to cease. The Canadian Progressive Front is much like a machine, in that we have many different members who come from different walks of life, and hold different positive attributes. And like a machine, we must remain fresh by constantly discussing issues and concerns, while taking actions to move forward. We have our faults, like everyone else, but we work on these and improve ourselves every day.

We here in the CPF will continue to work at improving Canada in all aspects. To do so we will:

> Keep a positive political sphere, where citizens and Congress men and women can express their concerns, ideas and suggestions freely.

> Ensure that Canada is a selfless ally, continues to build relations with other nations, and is ready for any military action.

> Hold our government accountable in all spending aspects, and that we remain financially stable.

> Create helpful programs for Canadians who require food and weapons for fighting, while retaining new players in this game.

> Have some fun, write different articles, hold contests, create events or whatevers!

My history in this game is not long compared to some of you, but I have met a lot of great people, in all shapes and colours! For me I try to encourage our Congress members to express their opinions and ideas, as we always need to have some new blood in the system. For all the new members of Congress, regardless of their party, I try to remain positive and add helpful comments to spur activity. As for the veterans of Congress, there can be a lot of sabre rattling, which is going to happen no matter what, but if we keep that mentality only in Congress, then good. Outside of there I am happy to joke around with people on IRC or through the shout boxes.

I have been in good contact recently with our Dutch and Swiss friends, continuing to build on our relations, and to ensure that communication is always flowing. I hope to reach out to other nations and build on potential relations. These are some crazy times!

As MoF my duty is to protect our tax dollars. I have been doing this by analyzing our financials and markets every day for the last two months. My calculations and attention to detail with our tenants is to ensure that all of our money is protected and being put to good use.

This is the fourth month running for the CPF Assistance Program. Well over 100,000 worth of free energy has been given out to our members, along with over 1700 Q7 tanks at 40% off. This has helped our soldiers continue to make a difference on the battlefield.

All in all I am an active and committed player, I want to make sure this game is fun for people, because in the end, if it’s not, why the hell would people return?

Help elect me on the 25th by voting for the Canadian Progressive Front!
