Ser Fartsalot: From hero to zero...

Day 2,442, 16:10 Published in United Kingdom Romania by Chris1983

Dear UK citizens.

For some people here he is god, he "saved" the UK from a TO by bad powers
He is honoured and no bad word is said about him, or at least not by the biggest manipulated media in this country...

But the medal he gained has 2 sides.

If you read his articles between the lines than you will see his ideas will result in paranoid, dictature and weak nation.

He want make the country scared for new citizens who want make UK stronger. A lot of people from non-Sirius countries are bad persons in his opinion, with bad intensions. If we all need think the way like that, than the UK will be a separated country where nobody trust each other anymore.

When you are from Poland, Belgium or Croatia you are allowed to participate in congress, you are even allowed to take over this country for years, you can do everything you want... If are from another country than , than you have less luck . His articles are full with things like: "don't buy from SerbsforUK members", "don't employ them" ,"don't let Serbians take top spots in congress", "Blacklist everyone who work together with them"

I think we all remember the days when London was occupied by Moldova, yes... Moldova. With Ser Farsalot this will be happen again. The Serbians (and also people from other countries) who joined us has given us power, without their help UK was wiped much more and for longer times. The new citizes have saved our country and our production. More than 1/2 damage for UK is done by the people targetted by Ser Fartsalot. They give us power and they help the UK but Ser Fartsalot want let us fight with axes and swords and not with tanks

Conclusion: Ser Fartsalot is a new dictator, only people who follow his idea's are welcome in the UK.

Do we want someone like him? UK people open your eyes before he kill this country.

In the next link you can read more about how nice Ser Fartsalot is:
