Save your eSoul!

Day 2,024, 09:01 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

Be a conscientious objector! Do not fight do not kill!

God Loves you and will forgive your past trangressions!
If you turn away from sin now!

Don't forget to tithe!

The church cannot survive without help. We cannot feed the masses of poor without help!

We do offer extensive help for those who are being controlled by the addiction to fighting! we know it releases eAdrenaline and you must keep fighting or you will go through withdrawl symptomes!

Don't suffer from edysphoria(common withdrawl symptom)!

If you have ePTSD we have counselors on hand to carefully talk to you and your eFamily if needed.

We have a certified crisis team standing by do not be afraid to ask for help!

God Loves you and forgives you if you turn away from violence!