Day 1,576, 14:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Viktor Kurgan

God reveals to Abraham that he will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, because their cry is great, and because their sin is very grievous. In response, Abraham reverently inquires of God if he would spare the city if 50 righteous people were found in it.

Today in this eworld Saint Kurgan will try what once Abraham tried to do.


Saint Kurgan entered....

.....Irish Progress Party in attempt to save few still innocent souls by running for Party President. And knowing many from ICA are in IPP it’s two for a price of one.

But Saint Kurgan is not running to win…IPP is a moral corpse and leading IPP is like trying to ride a dead horse..

YOU…A FEW OF YOU in IPP give your vote to Saint Kurgan as a sign, a proof to this glorius country not all IPP is corrupted.

YOU..A FEW OF YOU who are in IPP and ICA but not agree with scams, cheats and wide corruption VOTE for SAINT KURGAN!

Some of you in ICA and IPP comes from rl countries run by corrupted politicians, criminals and false heroes who are destroying all that is good and sacret in your lifes…

Will you support their e-versions by falling into immoral abyss or will you say ENOUGH!

YOU..A FEW OF YOU…I know some of you have proud and strength you inherit from your forefathers who fought and died on field of battle for what is RIGHT AND JUST…not for false kings and idols.

Make your ancestry proud and give a secret vote to Saint Kurgan and prove this modern evil they can’t buy your soul…

---A word of a wise man:

Yours...Saint Kurgan