Running for CP!

Day 3,297, 16:31 Published in Norway Norway by West Bergen

Fellow eNorwegians and friends!

I know I'm not the most active newspaper writer, but when I write it's either anouncements or something funny. This time it is to tell you, that I've decided to run for presidency in eNorway for the first time in my eLife. It's in my personal interest to help eNorway the best I can, if I am elected president, I will strive to do my very best to continue the great work of the CPs before me.

First of all, I will continue our TW with Finland. And perhaps we can create a stronger bond with the eNetherlands. We should discuss if we are to help them in their war against Mexico! They've helped us before, why don't we help them now? I'm not suggesting a MPP, but just a helping hand in their war. If we can end their war, maybe we can go back to a TW with them? I belive in creating strong bonds to other nations, especially our neighbours, so we got friends helping us, should we some day face an invasion from a foreign country.

My cabinet:
PM: hans erik
MoFA: Joshua Morriseau
Mo😨 Jasper Zuidema
MoE: OverTheBridge
MoFi: Integer
MoI: Xibbard
MoS: M. de Ruyter
Governor: Taulen

Advisors: Zinitus (Kvakksangerne), Orctor (Partiet)

As this will be my first time president, and many new elements for me to learn, I hope you will be patient with me, as I will have to learn this role to fully master it. I've picked out many experienced and trustworthy eNorwegians for my cabinet to help, guide and support me through this, should I be eleceted. My only wish is to do what is expected of me, and for the greater good for eNorway!

Will you give me your vote the 5th of December?

Best regards
West Bergen