Running for Congress / Draait voor congres

Day 2,166, 00:58 Published in Netherlands Poland by GEN. DE LA REY

I am Running for congress.

Others are running too.

Some are really excited as they are running for the first time.

Others are not so enthusiastic.

Some are doing all kinds of stretching exercises to avoid injuries, before they commence with their run.

I have also seen some old congress members trying to run again.

Some are even wearing new running gear.

Some are running with furniture which is holding them back.

Some are running in groups.

Others are wishing they were a bit fitter.

Some prefer not running at all.

Some have so many new friends that they don’t need to run at all.

With so many runners you may think why am I running at all? Well I am running in support of the 9 F’s.

Fun/ Leuk
Freedom/ Vrijheid
Free Food/ Gratis Eten
Free Weapons/ Gratis Wapens
Free Training/ Gratis Training
Free Newspapers/ Gratis Kranten
Free Coaching/ Gratis Coaching
Financial Reporting/ Financiële Verslaglegging
F ..k Strontland

So if you are undecided, and support some of the 9F’s, please consider throwing a vote my way.