Rise of the Illuminus Austria Party

Day 596, 18:04 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

In a mere 24 hours, the Illuminus Austria Party has exploded from 5 members to 29, making it the second largest party in Austria. The Austrian Independent can report that they are members from PEACE - the alliance for which Austria is a part - and here for the stated purpose of aiding in "economic stimulus and supplying purposes." But there is reason to believe they are here for more, due to the shear fact they have joined, and indeed now run, a political party.

Those familiar with Austrian history will recall that the country has endured long periods of foreign occupation - both military and political. For this reason, the spectre of a foreign led party is particularly concerning, especially one that is already this large.

The Austrian Independent poses this question to members and leaders of the Illuminus Austria Party - if you are only here to provide stimulus, why are you forming a political party?