Rise of the Fallen

Day 2,175, 05:04 Published in Japan Japan by Nanashi Senshi

Today is a historical (e)day for the Otaku party because this is ( probably ) the first article where we go to public and try to recruit new members for our glorius party. As a party president I took upon myself this ungrateful task ( who will, if not I xD ) and tried to write an article for the recruitment, but before I start with anything I will explain or at least try to, the term otaku, for those who are unfamiliar with it.

Otaku is a japanese term that refers to the people with (obsessive) interests to a specific subject/hobby. It is typically used to refer to a fan of anime/manga but can also refer to japanese video games or culture in general. In Japan it has kinda negative meaning but in the west this term has a rather positve meaning and many people mainly anime/manga fans proudly call themselfs otakus.

Now when we are done with explaining the meaning of the word otaku let's get to the business.

The Otaku party is an independent party in eJapan and we as a party do not seek political power or dominace nor are we interested in it (at the moment), our main goal is spreading the otaku way which basically means as much anime/manga related stuff in our media 🙂 We believe in a strong, both political and economical unified eJapan and we follow and respect the laws passed by our Diet (congress) and country. We want for all of you that share similar ideas like ours to join us and help us grow and eJapan also.

Also today we are proclaiming a new (e)religion in Japan, called Otakuism and we declare Akihabara ( Tokyo, Kanto region) as our Holy Land both political and religious.
This is pretty much all that I have to say, so if you're currently not in any political party or not satisfied with your current one, come and join us. Let's make history together !!!