Resource Bonus Overview and Impact on Economy

Day 1,891, 06:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by asecondchance

The marketplace is driven by a nation’s ability to produce and those nations that have regions with resource bonuses will always have an advantage over those nations that do not as they produce more for the same effort which means they can charge less than the competition and still make a profit.

Raw Materials include:
FOOD (abbreviated FRM): Grain, Deer, Fish, Cattle, Fruits
WEAPONS (abbreviated WRM): Iron, Aluminum, Saltpeter, Oil, Rubber

While a nation may have resource bonuses, only those regions connected to the capital add to the overall resource bonus. Any region owned by a nation but cut off from the capital provides no bonus to the nation even though they own it.

Food resources provide a 20% bonus to all food and food raw material companies located in the country. This is the same for all weapon resources within a nation. Therefore if you have 5 resource bonuses your nation would produce 100% more than it would by default. This is usually the #1 reason for wars in this game and why some nations do better in the economic module than others.

Here is the normal production of a food or weapons raw material company:

When you take into account natural bonus for raw materials you can see how the bonus impacts production of the weapons base😛

So for example, nations who do not have these natural bonuses will produce 10 weapons while a nation who owns 3 natural resource bonuses will produce 16. This will always result in cheaper costs on the marketplace and higher wages for job offers since the profit margin is higher.

When looking to start into a company check what your bonuses your nation has first and go in that direction as it will greatly impact your success.