Recompense cu surpriza [Weekly Rewards 2,380]

Day 2,380, 04:40 Published in Romania Romania by zmeuNY


E timpul sa va suiti pe cai.
Am primit de la Plato REWARDS SUPER ATRACTIVE, din pacate (nu stiu daca e vreo strategie a Adminilor) acestea nu au aparut pe site in timp util, unde apar de obicei la inceputul fiecarei saptamani de Weekly Challenge. La Day Change erau doar pe Forum, intre timp, dupa vreo 4 ore au aparut si in joc.

Am sa revin cu informatii aditionale (inclusiv calcule) mai tarziu, insa tineti cont de urmatoarele lucruri:

- Preturile Armelor, Painii, WRM vor creste

- Dupa 26.000 de Prestige Points (PP) puteti primi cate 100 de Gold pentru fiecare 1.000 de PP in plus (nu e nici o gluma). Daca aveti vreo 1000 de batoane si cel putin 3000 de Arme pe stoc puteti da lovitura.

- Rewardurile au centre de Energie foarte atractive +250, +300, +400. Eu am ajuns la 2100 in prima zi

- Rewardurile au regenerari foarte atractive +40, +40 la fiecare 6 minute. Eu am ajuns la +120 la fiecare 6 minute in prima zi (pentru cam si Power Pack cu +20 aditional)

- Rewardurile ofera cate 2 zile de contract gratis pentru fiecare 1000 de Prestige points peste 10.000

- Rewardurile dau bombe multe, din ce in ce mai multe, dupa ce depasiti 16.000 de Prestige Points

- Cei ce vor atinge 40.000 de prestige points vor primi o decoratie speciala si un preview la noul camp de lupta, pe langa cei 1.750 (sau mai mult) Gold, Training Gratis, Bombe, Batoane, etc.


Rachetele, Goldul, si Trainingul Gratis obtinute dupa 10.000 PP vor fi adaugate saptamana urmatoare (totul e in regula, nu afecteaza cu nimic). In principiu cine trece de 10.000 Prestige Points va avea si aceste "extra" recompense

Alte Considerente:
Fiti siguri ca aveti un minim de 1.000 de Arme Q7
Cu cat mai multe batoane cu atat mai bine!
- Un stoc de 700+ batoane va va ajuta sa treceti pragurile de prestige points foarte rapid.
- Un stoc de 400+ batoane va va ajuta sa ajungeti la rewarduri consistente in cateva zile

Incercati sa ajungeti cat mai rapid la urmatoarele praguri de Prestige Points:
- 2 500 Prestige Points -> +250 Energy Center for 7 days
- 2 750 Prestige Points -> +40 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the last day of the Battle Page Challenge
- 5 000 Prestige Points -> +300 Energy Center for 14 days
- 10 000 Prestige Points -> +40 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the last
- 12 000 Prestige Points -> +400 Energy Center for 14 days

Am ajuns la 5.000 de Prestige Points in primele 4 ore
10.000 de Prestige Points dupa 16 ore
12.000 Prestige Poings dupa 24 de ore

Am facut ceva BH hunting si am luat 37 de medalii in prima zi
Rank up -> Titan
Level up +2
Damage aproximativ:
Small Bombs: 40+

Cei care aveti resurse, acum este momentul !

Divisions 1-4:

- 100 Prestige Points -> +50 Energy Center for 7 days
- 200 Prestige Points -> 1 Free Spin in the Power Spin
- 300 Prestige Points -> 1 Small Bomb
- 400 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 500 Prestige Points -> +10 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the the last day of the Battle Page Challenge
- 600 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 700 Prestige Points -> 1 000 Storage
- 800 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 900 Prestige Points -> 2 Small Bombs
- 1 000 Prestige Points -> 20 Strength
- 1 200 Prestige Points -> +100 Energy Center for 7 days
- 1 400 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 1 600 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 2 hours
- 1 800 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 2 hours
- 2 000 Prestige Points -> 10 Strength
- 2 250 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 2 500 Prestige Points -> +250 Energy Center for 7 days
- 2 750 Prestige Points -> +40 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the last day of the Battle Page Challenge
- 3 000 Prestige Points -> 5 Small Bombs
- 3 500 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 2 hours
- 4 000 Prestige Points -> 9 000 Storage
- 5 000 Prestige Points -> +300 Energy Center for 14 days
- 6 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 7 000 Prestige Points -> 6 Small Bombs
- 8 000 Prestige Points -> 15 Energy Bars
- 9 000 Prestige Points -> 7 Small Bombs
- 10 000 Prestige Points -> +40 Energy recovery every 6 minutes until the last day of the Battle Page Challenge
- 11 000 Prestige Points -> +50% Damage Booster for 8 hours
- 11 500 Prestige Points -> 10 Small Bombs
- 12 000 Prestige Points -> +400 Energy Center for 14 days
- 12 500 Prestige Points -> 10 Small Bombs
- 13 000 Prestige Points -> 30 Energy Bars
- 13 500 Prestige Points -> 10 Small Bombs
- 14 000 Prestige Points -> 30 Energy Bars
- 14 500 Prestige Points -> 10 Small Bombs
- 15 000 Prestige Points -> 30 Energy Bars
- 16 000 Prestige Points -> 30 Energy Bars
- 17 000 Prestige Points -> 30 Energy Bars
- 18 000 Prestige Points -> 30 Energy Bars
- 19 000 Prestige Points -> 30 Energy Bars
- 20 000 Prestige Points -> 40 Energy Bars
- 21 000 Prestige Points -> 40 Energy Bars
- For every 1 000 more Prestige Points -> 40 Energy Bars

Extra rewards

Please note that the following Extra rewards are awarded after the Battle Page Challenge is over!

- 11 000 - 15 000 Prestige Points -> For every 1 000 Prestige Points: 2 days for the Training Contract (-90😵, or 1 +50% Damage Booster if you’re above level 201

- 16 000 - 20 000 Prestige Points -> For every 1 000 Prestige Points: 5 Small Bombs

- 21 000 - 25 000 Prestige Points -> For every 1 000 Prestige Points: 50 Gold

- 26 000 + Prestige Points -> For every 1 000 Prestige Points: 100 Gold

- 31 000 + Prestige Points -> For every 1 000 Prestige Points: +100% Damage Booster for 8 hours

- 40 000 Prestige Points: An early access to the new Battle Page* and a Decoration**

Please notice that the Gold after 26 000 Prestige Points and +100% Damage Boosters after 31 000 Prestige Points are awarded without limits. In other words, if you reach 100 000 Prestige Points, you will get a ton of Gold and Damage Boosters, along with the normal Energy Bars!

😉 You will receive an early access to the new Battle Page. If you reach this milestone, you will be contacted personally with more guidance after the end of the Battle Page Challenge. Want a sneak peek? Watch this video!

*😉 A unique Decoration for the first fighters in the New Battle Page.