Read comments for why TRS sucks

Day 5,980, 09:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

Afternoon folk o/

I was going to write a Woldesque polemic but after a walk with the dog and a hearty argument with one of the regulars on how shite the irl country’s going to: i.e. bad or worse;

I wonder instead - I imagine if/when Huey releases his usual shizzle against an old irl friend Mantle from over a decade ago when I was a fairly new punter here myself, given we go to the polls tomorrow ask a few questions for the rest of us to answer ourselves:

-What would you like to see/expect more of from gov? Prios probably helpful here

-How do you think it could be easily made/structured to help you/others do it?

-What steps could be taken to ‘bridge the gap a bit’ between the two main camps that broadly seem to refuse to cooperate/work in gov with the other?

And on a slightly unrelated but nevertheless interested poll if you’d allow:

-How do you feel about the eUK coming out of self-imposed isolation in terms of NI/Brazil etc?

As always, hope you’re well! Cheers for any comments discussing anything above ^
