Question: Offending Jokes.

Day 2,442, 09:08 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Aroablast

This question was asked on the first post that I made by a Epic User named Aultman. "If a joke seriously offends one person in a group of one hundred should it still be told? If not is there a humor threshold that must be crossed for it to be ok? If yes to the original question then how many should it seriously offend before it should not be told?"

I quite like this question because it's asked all the time, but most people just disregard and answer with the politically correct answer 'no'

This is my real answer. "My opinion is that people should not go crazy over a joke. Like it's a joke it's for people to laugh at. I think if you have100 people and 99 of them find it funny then tell it. That one person should either ignore it or suck it up. My answer to the second there is a point if the joke you started starts turning in to an argument then for that group that your telling it to drew the line at that point. My final answer is it the "joke" turns into a argument instead of a funny joke then that's went it should not be spread any more. There is no special number, but if I would say if more than 50% is offended then no don't say it."

Personal question: Is there a we site where i can post images and they are given a image url that bb code can use? I had this really cute thing but it wont allow me to post it.