Q&A: the greeater good

Day 1,329, 14:13 Published in Canada Canada by T.E. Lwrence

I've decided, since i am currently trying to get involved again that i would like to start a new series.

My Idea is to Start a weekly series that will take in answers from other users, I will attempt to find the answers and publish them through this newspaper.

The process goes as follows:

1) After an Article is posted, if you are wondering about aspects of Military, politics, anything feel free to message myself or leave a comment in the section below.

2) The sooner you bring forward your questions The Quicker and more thourough i may be.

3) The follow up articles will be posted (roughly) One week after the previous. This is to give adaquit time for questions to be submitted, reviewed, selected, and answered.

This project is for the greater good of this country, and to strengthen the friendships, bonds, and knowledge in our Country. My Hope is that this can work in junction with current knowledge bases within the government etc.

The First Question (more of a refresher for myself):

Q: I have been out of the loop for a few months now, What are the advances within government, or is it the same bullcrap as before?

Anyone feel free to answer this one, I personally want to get into the Loop.

-best regards