Public Offering, donations to eUS government to win in Lion King

Day 917, 07:13 Published in USA USA by Patch and Company

Please Vote the article if you support the eUSA

As I have learned more in this game I have come to realize that becoming invested in your countries strength is the best way to keep the game from becoming monotonous. Therefore I will do what I can to support eUSA. I will donate 10% of any gold that I receive during this public offering to the continued war effort.

Now for the points on the public offering
1. If you bought shares a month ago you have almost doubled your initial investment.
2. 10% of gold from share sales will be paid to the US war effort
3. One of the main issues for the ERX is liquidity of shares, I will buy back any shares that you want to sell should you decide you want the gold for training or investing. The buy back will occur within a week of our correspondence. I am confident that the share value will continually increase with company growth and should you want to sell I would want to buy.

You can buy shares here:

for just .048g/share, or you can PM me and I will organize a transfer to get around the transaction costs

True share value is actually .049g/share