Proactive or Reactive?

Day 1,043, 14:19 Published in Switzerland USA by Penguin4512

This election is shaping up to be an exciting one. We'll have Jimakos-Thess running for reelection from the Swiss Liberal Party, Julian Anderson running from the Switzerland Reform Alliance (no surprise there, he's been announcing it for months), and of course I am running as candidate from the SFP. I think. Apparently our party leader has some other ideas. No other details have been given so I'm in the dark here.

Anyway, the elections are off to be tense and exciting. The coalition is proposing multiple candidates, so it will no doubt come down to a showdown between whoever the SNP supports and the other most popular candidate. I find it highly likely that Walther Rathenau will run again, and with the vote currently split between Jimakos and Julian, he has a great shot at winning.

But whatever the result may be, the victor must remember that winning the elections is only the first step. The second step is to set up an efficient government, and the third is to do whatever possible to aid eSwitzerland.

We've seen a drastic decline in the active population of eSwitzerland. I've heard plenty of remarks about how the community is not as strong as it once was. And you know what? It's true.

eSwitzerland is in drastic trouble, from it's greatest enemy: INACTIVITY.

A group of dedicated people cannot fight this enemy alone. We are in big trouble. And we nee😛 A PLAN.

We need contests, lotteries, daily government articles, advertisements on external sites... all these things and many more. But in general, we need activity.

Why is this country so inactive?

It's simple. The government is the role model for the new citizens, it is up to them to set the model for behavior. When the government is active, the people are not active.

I like Jimakos, I'm glad that he's president, but I wish that he and his cabinet were more active. If our government is not proposing anything, how can we discuss it? How can we talk about it?

We can't.

For whoever wins the elections, please remember this:

We need an active government.
We need a proactive president.
We need someone who can create his or her own initiative, instead of relying on the actions of others.

So long friends, and sorry if the writing in this article is not very clear or well sentenced. I have a terrible headache right now, but I really needed to say this before it's too late.
