Prices of food ePakistan

Day 2,662, 20:42 Published in Pakistan Argentina by Lautilius
Today I want to show what I think regarding the prices and taxes of food in ePakistan.

First I take a picture of the prices today:

You can see the price on the column PKR, from my point of view, the prices there are not bad, but could be better, another point is that there are not to many offerts, if someone buy all the offerts, then the price is not good!

In the column per use you can see that the more effective is the food Q1 and Q3, in general in erep the food Q3 is the more effective and then Q1 and Q2.
In the columns PAK and For you can see from which country is the offert and you can see that in general that the offerts are from others countries!!

In last column I´m checking how much is our income for the 3% that we have for importation of food, if they sell all the food, there are around to 100 PKR.

Then I did the same work for the prices in India and Turkey to compare and you can see that the prices are cheaper than our market.

Today our taxes are set like this:

As you know, we have only one region and Turkey is collecting more than 400 PKR by day.

So, I think we could set the taxes of food, considering a basic product for everyone and specially for new players, in 1% of VAT and 1% of importation in order to have a more competitive market and hope that more players have the confident to pay the 20 golds to import to ePakistan

What do you think?

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