Presenting The New Badass Party

Day 1,792, 12:44 Published in Israel Israel by Roni Rubin

Hello everyone,

this is a first update,one of many you'll be reading as we evolve and rebuild the New Badass Party.

So like I promised changes will be made,in fact one small change I realized earlier today that we went down to 38 members because apparently one of us "magically " vanished right after elections ,too bad for them,for this is going to be the most awesome party in eIsrael.

However , please have a look at the new Badass Party form:

As you can see I've added some of these new titles,so I will give you a brief explanation about my choices and what they will represent .

Starting with the Vice President that will be my brother and friend Giladrubin,he will be my right hand and will replace me when I'm away.
Gilad is player with a lot of experience which I truly trust,he also was the person who brought me to the game and walked me through things right from the start up until today actually.
Therefore his word is mine and mine is his.

Next on the list is The Councillor Axazel was chosen for this one since he is a person to be count on for the job,I've known him from SM days when I was a new player seeing his way around .
Axazel will be the person to consult regarding all sorts of decisions in The New Badass Party from congress list up to our next CP support.

Finally I give you our spokesman ,danis 1982,the reason he was chosen is his passions for writing articles which are fine put and have impressed me more than once.
Danis 1982 will be posting some of the official Party articles which you will soon be reading,also he will post updates and news about the New Badass Party.

That's all for now,
I would like to thank you all for voting,
Wish us all the best of luck.

Until next time
God Bless The New Badass